Monday, September 30, 2019

The Dangers of Fossil Fuels

In recent decades, we have seen a remarkable advancement in science and technology. Owing to this, many wonder why the primary sources of consumer energy remain non-renewable fuels; petroleum (36%), coal (27%) and gas (23%) [International Energy Agency, 2013]. The issue with this is, â€Å"fossil fuels† which took millions of years to form are running out at an unprecedented rate, and there is no consensual view as to what will replace them. There are many reasons why the general population should be concerned about such an event affecting them.Firstly, wrought global development and population growth society has become overly dependent on energy from exogenous sources like fossil fuels. Secondly, the easier fuels to obtain have been mostly depleted hence companies are resorting to costly and hazardous extraction methods. Finally, the profitability of fossil fuel extraction is fast decreasing and this is inciting countries to use alternative sources such as hydro-electric. Sus tained global growth has left the world in a perilous position. In 1850 when the capacity of resources such as oil and coal were first predicted, they were deemed to sat for centuries.One factor these predictions failed to consider was sudden exponential population growth, a function of both technological advances and medical breakthroughs. Fossil fuels were the meaner by which this was made possible as their discovery led to more developed societies; incentives human growth. Today, the next wave of developing nations like China demand more fuel for their growing populations and are competing with high-development countries for a bigger portion of the rapidly shrinking resource. The migration from a forager society to an agricultural society was a key event in the context of energy.The people at this stage in history knew using all their energy hunting and gathering prevented them from doing activities they would otherwise want to do. Eventually, though communal agriculture, they le arnt to conserve their survival energy by forming a society wherein each member provided for one another. The discovery of the heat engine reinvigorated this idea. Work from human labor could be replaced with work from an exogenous source, in this instance fossil fuels. Today society continues exploit this idea to improve quality of life, mostly through transport and warmth.Services, manufacturing, minerals, food and clean water are further benefits of the constant flow of energy people receive. 90% of the energy consumed by the western world comes from non-human sources. (DRP T Morgan, 2013). Without the abundance of energy, the economic-based society humans know would cease to exist. There is scarcely enough energy in the form of fossil fuels for most to live easy and fulfilling lives, but the general populous should concede they deed to adapt sooner rather than later. The easy to obtain fuels like crude oil are depleting quickly.Consequently, companies reap millions of barrels of petrol, rendering these sources unprofitable. With fossil fuels not as abundant or easy to obtain as they used to be, desperate measures in the form of Franking and Deep Sea Drilling are being used. However, these methods are costly and put unnecessary stress on the environment. Governments don't feel obliged to intervene when the struggle for fuel is being eased. People wonder why governments are unconcerned that public funds are being spent n dangerous and costly extraction processes like franking and deep-sea drilling instead of investing it into finding a substitute.The reason is blatant: so citizens are kept happy. The world seems prosperous at this moment in history, but who knows how soon people will regret these senseless decisions. Much energy is needed to build and run the equipment, extraction devices and vehicles we need to obtain oil, natural gas and coal. Since the industrial revolution, ERROR (energy returned on energy invested) has been extremely high. For example, when oil was discovered companies got over 100 units of energy back for every 1 unit used during extraction (Charles Hall, 2010).This made extraction a profitable industry though as I noted previously, fuel reserves dried out and became harder to find. TAP Research (2013) found the global average ERROR last year had fallen to 15:1 . The effects of this trend have been seen everywhere, for instance rising petrol prices. In fifteen years, the cost of petroleum in New Zealand has tripled from 80 cents a litter to 220 cents a litter. Alternate fuels transport is presently so inconvenient that this trend seems destined to continue.The world may witness an energy cliff in the near future when the amount of energy consumed during extraction actually surpasses the amount the economy gets in return. Suddenly, renewable sources by default will become the favorable option, because they are economical enough to exploit. Future motorists will be forced to drive electric vehicles like the Ionians Leaf, even if according to specifications they cost $70 000, have a range of 100 kilometers and take n absurd 20 hours to charge on house current.Energy is one of the most important things in modern life; it fuels transport, businesses, schools, heats houses and gives us light. Without it people are confined to being hunter-gatherers. It is hard for one to conceive living like this, but this type of living may become standard if the energy surplus is wiped. Moving on from fossil fuels presents itself as a colossal challenge, one the next generation has to accept. In New Zealand, a high proportion of their energy consumed comes from hydro, ego- Herman and wind sources, so they could stand as the world leaders of a global renewable energy revolution.There is much potential for sources of clean energy like solar and wind power to outlast fossil fuels, and it would be great to see more money invested in these types of renewable energy sources. One hopes people will be informed in the f uture of the consequences of utilizing fossil fuels so they can make sensible decisions around their use. World governments can't ignore the issue forever, and every time someone speaks up makes it more likely for them to towards a brighter future.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The twentieth century is an age of greed

They were. But the number of people consumed by this disease is many times more this century. Also the variety and intensity of greed is unparalled. We have many more opportunities to feed our greed on. See the amount of consumer goods available nowadays. How many of these goods can be genuinely said to benefit the user , or at the least satisfy him ? Precious few , I would think.All too often we read in the newspapers and consumer magazines about the underhand tactics used by giant corporations to sell their products. We hear about poisonous materials in foodstuffs. There are also innumerable amount of products that re shoddily made , yet passed off as up-to-standard products Then into this vast consumer market comes the pirates. These are people who make imitations. They have no scruples. So we are deluged with pirated tapes , records , books , clothes and other products. We even have pirated medicine.The misuse of public enterprise is rooted in nothing but greed. The greed for mon ey, for more and more profit, regardless of what happens or who suffers. Look at the advertisement section of any newspaper and you will see companies advertising for â€Å"aggressive† personnel. They must sell as much as they can, even if it is like forcing the product down the consumer's throat. The worsening drug situation in the world now is also a result of greed. Drug-trafficking and relatable offences are punishable, some even by death. Yet the drug trade is not bating.On the contrary, it is booming. Why is this so? Again we have people greedy enough to take risks in exchange for great returns. Their only aim is money. Drugs is one way of getting money, big money. So they go in it regardless the fact that drugs destroy people and society. They do not care who gets hurt as long as they get the money. They pretend not to see the evils of drug-addiction while their pockets are being lined with illgotten gains. Only when they get caught or are themselves addicted to drugs may they regret their greed. By then it may be too late.To see greed in action, all one has to do is to peep into a stock exchange or commodity trading centre. In smoke-filled rooms we can witness the behavior of people consumed by greed. Not all the traders are greedy, but there are some who sweat, haggle and shout themselves hoarse so as to reap as much profit as possible from the frantic buying and selling of invisible things. There are few people who purposely manipulate the market for their own ends. The smell of greed emanates from their bodies despite what they proclaim otherwise.In addition to the greed for money is also the greed for power. The more power a person has, the more power he seems to want. Considering the unceasing bickering, backstabbing, and fighting among leaders and politicians it is no wonder the modern world is in such a chaotic state. One leader holds on to power by getting rid of his enemies, whatever the means. His opponents plot and scheme to replace h im Coup-de-tats, uprisings, revolutions, assassinations and other political maneuvers are all aimed at the seizure for power. The one in power holds on tightly.In time he is dislodged by another or by his own mortality. Thus the procession goes on. Individuals come and go, but the greed of power remains to infect all who choose to follow its path. What does all these power struggles contrlDute to tne welTare 0T our Traglle planet:' Notnlng, out a alv10ea world with multitudes of nations fearfully isolating themselves from one another. In the name of religion, ideology and belief, the leaders of the world blindly leads the rest, but behind these excuses all we can see is greed and hunger for more power. So the greed persists.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

College Essay Essay

Why is college important to me? College is important to me for many reasons. One being, my future goals will be unattainable without it. Also, I would be setting a good example for my kids once they reach the age to further their education. Another reason being, I never imagined I would finally make it to college. There are many more reasons as to why, but these are just a few reasons why college is important to me. I believe everyone should fight for their dreams. By setting goals, you have a plan and steps to follow in order to accomplish whatever dream you want. The world today runs on how successful a person is as well as how much money an individual has. I have always wanted to be a criminal psychologist. No matter what, I am going to need a doctorate degree. But, what if people cannot afford that or do not want to complete that much schooling? If you do not have some amount of post secondary schooling, you are not going to be as successful as someone who does have that education. â€Å"Occupations that typically require post secondary education for entry have higher wages. (BLS)† America runs on money. Everything costs a certain amount. Therefore having a post secondary education is what will get you far in life. It will help you gain the success you strive for. With a higher education, you can also live a more comfortable life without having to worry about financial problems, because you have a higher education and therefore more knowledge about a profession. I am constantly striving to do my best so that when I have kids they know what it entails to lead, not only a successful life, but also a comfortable, worry free lifestyle. My parents never went to college. The highest level both my parents had was a high school diploma. I never had an example of someone who went to college or got that kind of education. I was never one of those children who always knew where they were going to college because they were going to follow in their parent’s footsteps. Due to my parents lack of post secondary education, as well as no education on how to handle finances, my parents always had bill collectors calling. We were in extreme debt and my parents never knew what they could afford. Instead they would just spend money like it was growing on trees. I do not want any of this for my children. If I want to be able to spend money like there is no limit, then I know I need an education that can support the financial needs for my family and me. If that means getting a doctorate degree and still furthering my education after that, then that is what I will do. I don’t want my children to have to see me getting calls from bill collectors. It can be very scarring. College will always be recommended for that. It will always be something in the forefront of their minds. College was never something that I ever thought I would accomplish. Due to my parents not going to college, I never thought it was expected of me or it was even that important. Once I got into high school, everyone would talk about what kind of profession they wanted to be in and what college they wanted to go to. Everyone would worry about their grades, sports, and the electives they were a part of. They were all worried about what it would look like to college admissions counselors. I was never like that, until I moved out of my mom’s house. I was placed in a foster home during my junior year in high school. It started out okay. I had two sisters and everyone was nice. But after a while, I just wanted out. My senior year had came and I started applying to the colleges that were farthest away. I wanted to be no where near where I was from. I did not want anyone to come visit me. So, Ohio State became my dream. It was cold, always snowing, so naturally, no one would want to go there. It never happened because of other events that ended up occurring in my life. However, if I had never been placed in a foster home, college would have never been a thought in my mind. In the end, I went to cosmetology school and I am now taking online classes majoring in criminal justice. College is one of the most important things someone can do in life. Today, not many professions are attainable without a college degree or being certified in some kind of industry. Children need to be shown from an early age that college is always going to be an expectation for them so they can live a successful life. I am striving to do what I love to do. I am going for my dream, just like what Steve jobs said: â€Å"You’ve got to find what you love†¦ Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way  to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. (Isaacson, 2011)† My grandfather always told me that if I love what I do, I will always be good at it. I truly believe that! Works Cited Bureau of Labor Statistics. 2012. Education and Training Outlook for Occupations. http://www. bls. gov/emp/ep_edtrain_outlook. pdf. Isaacson, Walter. 2011. Steve Jobs. New York: Simon & Schuster.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Customer Satisfaction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Customer Satisfaction - Essay Example Therefore, being a general manager of the company, a significant role is to handle the complaint of the customer. After analyzing the required case, the manager recognized that the customer did not provide detail information for manufacturing the part of the product and an employee of customer service was at fault as well. In this context, the complaint can be handled by the below discussed procedures. At first, the customer is required to be handled effectively by responding to the queries of the customers and subsequently the general manager needs to recognize an individual within the company who will be accountable to provide correct information. The entire complaints from other customers along with the specific customer as well as the complaint trends of organization have to be examined properly with due concentration. Finally, after evaluation of the entire trends of complaints in the company, it has to be determined regarding what process is to be followed in order to prevent s uch occurrences from happening in future. In case of the customer complaint regarding the missing part, it can be identified that as the work was performed as a ‘rush job’, there was a lack of communication among the required departments of the organization.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

CIPD DIPLOMA 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

CIPD DIPLOMA 1 - Essay Example This is an element of PESTLE that calls on this organization to embrace a move such as installing wireless internet in its premises in order to appeal to its young-generation customers. Expansion opportunities – given the vast land at the head office, the organization can transform the space to a social ground where social activities and other events can take place. This increases the fame of the organization, promotes the sales of the hotel, and thus earns the organization an extra income. According to SWOT analysis, the organization should recognize that this an opportunity that would pay off quickly if exploited well. Poor Leadership Style – allowing employees to participate in the decision making process of the organization draws them closer to the organization, and boosts a cohesive culture that can lead to organizational success. It facilitates the adoption of a suitable organizational culture – using the organization being discussed, allowing employees to participate in the decision making process endears them to the company. More to this, streamlining, and improving their compensation packages motivates them to work for the organization’s success. Therefore, they own the organization, feel part of it, thus promoting a clan culture that allows employees to cooperate and work as a team to achieve organizational objectives. This is an element of transformational change that makes employees to go beyond their organizational mandate because they are happy working for their organization. It optimizes the performance of the organization – adapting new technologies improves the efficiency of the organization, since technology speeds up, and eases the way things get done. Additionally, current technologies enable an organization to minimize costs, and facilitate prompt communication. Strategic change calls for an organization to incorporate

Negotiations Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

Negotiations - Assignment Example The data uncovered through this preliminary negotiation process will help to establish a more effective stance and the most consistent message that will provide the best, supposed results. Field analysis and effective use of the information will determine potential contingencies based on what counteroffer the negotiator believes will be offered after the initial offer has been proposed. Cost analysis occurs in the preparation stage that will determine the most effective bidding process, thus impacting offers proposed. Closing the deal involves an agreement of the bid, determining what the final offer should be in the process based on cost analyses. Further, these phases and positions do not apply equally, as distributive negotiation is concerned with maximizing gains while integrative seeks more mutual party gains. For instance, cost analysis in the planning process may have identified that mutual gains would deplete the value-added benefit of a chosen bid. Thus, seeking cooperative (integrative) strategies could create the need to firm up a final offer early in the negotiation process. The depth of each step in the negotiation phases will determine whether concessions are made or more aggressive tactics common in distributive negotiation

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Street Food Sellers Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Street Food Sellers - Research Paper Example There are numerous people who sell street food in developing countries and mostly the goods are homogenous is nature , each person will sell the exact same good which is going to be a perfect substitute to market competitors. A large number of producers is also going to determine that one producer or consumer cannot influence the market price. A producer who wishes to increase the price cannot do so as consumers are going to shift to the other business selling street food at cheaper rates. A single consumer cannot influence market price as well, they can signal to the producer as to how much to produce but one consumer cannot dictate market price. The producer has to keep equilibrium at the efficient output. The producer must minimize costs in order to sell at a competitive price in the market. Each producer has a small market share due to the perfectly competitive nature of the goods, one producer will not be able to secure a larger market share due to the same reason it will not be able to affect market price. ... The reason why Street Food sellers in developing countries is an example of perfect competition is due to the fact that the business face the same characteristics of perfect competition and hence is declared to fall under that category. Monopoly – A monopoly is a market structure which is characterized by the domination of one firm in the market share of good producing differentiated goods with significant barriers to entry. An example of a monopoly business is South West Gas in Arizona which is a monopoly due to the reason that it falls under the same characteristics as that of a monopoly as it is shown below Since it is the only gas provider in the region the market is dominated by the business .Some characteristics include that there is an in-elastic demand for its product, for example if South West Gas decides that it is going to increase the price of its goods the consumption of that good will not decrease due to a lack of substitutes of that good. There are no or very fe w substitutes of gas, so the business can afford to charge high prices without the fear of the consumers shifting to an alternate good. There is no interdependence on other firms / competitors since it is the largest and only gas provider in the region it does not have to account for the competitor’s actions before devising a market strategy. There are numerous barriers to entry in the market , one due to the economies of scale enjoyed by the monopoly the new firm ( even if it enters the market) cannot rival South West Gas for prices as the monopoly has the advantages of lower costs. Another barrier to entry is the obvious utilization of gas resources in the land by the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Sustainable Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Sustainable Marketing - Essay Example On the other side marketing can contribute in the development and diffusion of sustainable innovations in the form of use of solar energy, organic food, use of renewable energy resources and energy conservation. The main issue related to sustainability marketing is the way by which an organization can develop sustainable products and market those products or services in such a way which would improve the consumer perception as well as well being (Ottman, 1992, p. 301). The present study has been conducted in lieu to analyze the evolution of the concept of "sustainability marketing". The study includes evaluation of the importance of sustainable marketing practices in the modern day business environment. Over the course of study various contemporary researches related the topic of sustainable marketing has been analyzed. Also some of the most popular sustainable marketing practices of some of the modern day companies have been analyzed. The study also looks to explore the implication of the research in the area of sustainable marketing practices. This study is of great significance keeping in mind that there is a paradigm of shift in the consumer behaviour along with the environmental issues such as global warming as presently the customers seem to prefer to be with companies that are providing environment friendly products (Kotler, 2009, p.191). Critical review of key literature Sustainability marketing supports the idea of sustainable development that meets the requirements of the present without harming the capabilities of the future to the meet the own future requirements. Meeting the demand of the present refers to the intra-generational equity. Therefore sustainability marketing is a continuous process, as sustainability marketing takes the demands of the future generation into account. Sustainability marketing has three main components such as the social, environmental and economic. There has been a lot of talk about the â€Å"win-win-win† situatio n which mainly focuses on the overlapping area of economic social and environmental goals. Sustainable marketing focuses on striking the right balance social, environmental and economic goals. Marketing is defined as a developing long lasting and profitable customer relationship. Modern marketing looks to analyze the demands of the customers by provide offering as per the demands. But, sustainability marketing goes beyond conventional marketing thought process (Coddington, 1993, p. 229). Figure 1 Conventional and Sustainability Marketing If marketing is about meeting the demands of the customers and developing profitable relationships with the end users, then sustainability marketing could be defined as developing and maintaining sustainable relationships with the customers as well as with the elements of the social and natural environment. By developing environmental and social values sustainability marketing looks to create value proposition for the customers. In this way sustaina bility marketing looks to meet the â€Å"triple bottom line† by creating customers, social and environmental values (Ottman, 1998, p. 291). Figure 2 Different elements of sustainable marketing Sustainability Marketing looks to integrate ecological and social criteria into the total process of marketing. From managerial perspective six steps are mainly involved in the conception of the sustainability marketing Figure 3 Conception of Sustainable Marketing The first step

Monday, September 23, 2019

International financial markets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

International financial markets - Essay Example It was in this in this meeting gathering that the Bretton Woods system was born. Initially, this has initiated an acceleration of global activity. However as the system progresses, its flaws surfaced out so intensely that the former United States President Richard Nixon sentenced it to its demise on August 1971. Though the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, two financing institutions that were born because of the system are still existent, the initial system that they adopted were substantially altered by Nixon’s cessation of gold standard. Adam Smith, the father of economics, and his contemporary thinkers, has started recognizing and studying on the benefits from international trade and capital mobility. Though overseas trading has already been practiced centuries earlier before their era, there was no formal academic and scientific study for this. Smith, in his pioneering investigation on the British economy, has plotted out a fertile condition for nations to maximize their gains: the presence of a sufficiently functioning international monetary system that promotes and facilitates trade and efficient allocation of capital (Ferderer, 2002, p.1). The 18th century admired the prospects for mutual gain that they get from free trade between nations (Understanding economics, 2006). In the past 200 years, capital mobility in large quantities and allocation of these to lucrative and promising investments became a tool that altered the standard of living. Effectiveness of financial institutions should then be measured by the contributions that they give to this process and eventually to a country’s growth and employment (Eatwell & Taylor, 1999). They should then adapt a financial system that will facilitate the flow of capital and investment. In 1717 Sir Isaac Newton ‘accidentally’ adopted a de facto gold standard that later became the monetary regime in those times. The renowned scientist, a master of the mint, set the gold price

Sunday, September 22, 2019

How Has Huck Changed Essay Example for Free

How Has Huck Changed Essay In the beginning novel, Huck struggles against society and its attempts to civilize himself, which was represented by the Widow Douglas, Miss Watson, and other adults. Later, this conflict gains more focus in Huck’s dealings with Jim, as Huck must decide whether to turn Jim in, as society demands, or to protect and help his friend instead. The most significant way in which Huck changes his attitude is with Jim, by excepting him as a person. Towards the end of chapter 15, Huck plays a trick on Jim when they got separated in the fog. Huck tries to convince Jim that hes been drinking because when they found each other, Huck explains hes never gone anywhere, hes been by his side the whole time. Then Huck goes off saying, â€Å"Well, this is too many for me, Jim. I haint see fog, nor no islands nor no troubles You couldnt a got drunk in that time, so of course youve been dreaming.† (84) Jim at this point is confused because how can he dream all that in ten minutes. Later on, as Huck realizes that lying to Jim about that whole incident was wrong of him, he apologizes to him. It was quite a thing for a white person to apologize to a black person in that time so it show that he is growing emotions towards Jim. He realizes why lie to him if colored people get taken advantage of all the time, Huck didn’t want to be one of those white people who did. More important, he eventually takes charge and tells the truth no matter what the outcome is, and has changed from a juvenile boy who doesnt care if others are tricked, to a more civilized boy who protects innocent people.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Gravity Concentration By Jigs Engineering Essay

Gravity Concentration By Jigs Engineering Essay Gravity concentration methods separate minerals of different specific gravity. They are used to treat a great variaty of materials [ranging from Au ( sp. gr. 19.3 ) to coal ( sp. gr. 1.3 ) ]. Gravity concentration methods remained, however the main concentrating methods for iron , tungsten, tin ores and coal. This methods are usually preferred to flotation due to its low cost . Minerals liberated at sizes above flotation range may be concentrated even more economically using gravity methods (also cause efficient dewatering due to decreased surface area.). The main principles of appliying this method is different size and shape of minerals having different specific gravity. This method can be applied at the range of 7.5 1.3. And, the advantages of this method are its simplicity, having high capacity and low cost. In order to apply gravity concentration method concentration criteria ( cc ) shoud be at optimum range. CC = dh df dl df CC >2.5 ( 74 micron ) CC

Friday, September 20, 2019

Importance Of Brand Strategies Marketing Essay

Importance Of Brand Strategies Marketing Essay Companies must be flexible to respond rapidly to competitive and market changes they must benchmark continuously to achieve best practice.They must outsource aggresively to gain efficiencies.(Michael Porter; What is Strategy, Harvard Business Review, 1996, Nov-Dec, p.61.)in this quote Michael Porter states what the companies should do in the face of sudden changes in key points.When we got the origin of the word strategy we faces with the names of Greek(stratÄâ€Å"gà ­a)Leading army ve military commander( As combining PorterS description with the original version of the word strategy, we define the firms as military and commanders as the brand. We realised from that militaries that does not have a good commander cannot fights completly. If we look at todays business environment, the firms doesnt have good brands fight with competitors disadvantegously. Fort his reason ,the concept of international brand should be taken with stro ng fundamentals.A strong brand strategy enables the brand to create a strong brand identity in foreign markets and also to helps the firm to compete with its competitors.Because of the brand strategies occured , as the firm enters the foreign market , the risk level will decrease and the success will increases..( _.ÃÅ". Siyasal Bilgiler Fakà ¼ltesi Journal 2007) B.Elements of Ä °nternational Brand strategies The firms that are willing to enter international markets must concentrate on firstly the elements of brand that creates the brand strategy, because a brand with weak basic could force the firm into bad conditions. The firms success in international arena based on the chosen brand strategy and the elements that creates this strategy. The increase in the brand value of the firm in international arena will no doubtly affects the profit positively. The most important goal of international brand strategies is to increase the brand value. According to Kevin Lane Keller(2002) the elements are divided into seven part; Brand Names URL S Logos and symbols Characters Slogans Jingles Packaging Brand Name It is not an easy task to choose a brand name which is can ben seen as an art or science.As a matter of fact, the brand name is important because it always captures the main point or the main associations of a good in a compact and financial trend..Brand names might be an productive stenography means of communication.Whereas the time it hets consumers to grasp marketing communications can range from a half minute.It is also the most difficult brand element for marketers to subsquently change.Consequently , brand names often systematically researched before being chosen. As Henry Ford II named his new automobile the Edsel after the name of a family members seem to be long gone.Is it dificult to come up with brand name ? Ira Bachrach , a well-known branding consultant, notes that although there are 140,000 words in English vocabulary , the average American only detect 20,000 words. In some ways , this difficulty of finding a brand name should not be surprising.Any parent can probably sympathize with how hard it can be to choose a name for a child , as evidenced by the thousand of babies born each year without names because their parents have not decided on or perhanbs not agreed upon a name yet. Brand Awareness As a whole , it is believed that brand awareness is developed the extent to which brand names spell are selected that are uncomplicated and easy to declare or; familiar and meaningful ; and dissimiliar ,distinctive , and unusual.To highlight brand recall , to be easy-understandable , hend and easy to pronounce or spell are the desirable criterias fort he brand name.Simplicity reduces consumers cognitive effort to understand and process the brand name.3 Short names often ease recall because they are easy to encode and store in memory ( e.q., Aim toothpaste , Raid pest spray , Bold laundry detergent , Suave shampoo , Off insect repellent , Jiff peanut butter ).Risk the embarrassment of mispronouncing a dificult name ( as might be the case with such potentially difficult to pronounce names as Hyundai Automobiles , Fruzen Gladje ice cream ).3 Pronunciation issues may arise from not approving to lingquistic rules.Although Honda chose the name Acura because it was associated with words connoting precision in different languages , they primarily had some trouble with consumer pronunciation of the name ( pronounced AK-yur -a ) in the American market, perhaps in part because they chose not to use the phonetically simpler English spelling of Acurca ( with a double c ). Brand names ought to be familiar and meaningful so that it would be able to tap into eisting knowledge structures.Brand names may be concrete or abstract in their meaning.All types of categories can be used to form a name ( e.q. , people,places,animals,birds, or different kinds of inanimate objects).Because these objects already exist in memort in verbal and visiual form,less learning has to occur. One research study of hypothetical brand names showed that high-imagery brand names, ( e.q. Ocean , Frog, Plant, and Paper ) were significantly more memorable acroos a variety of recall and recognition measures than low-imagery words (e.q.,History,Truth,Moment, and Memory ).Thus , when a consumer sees an ad fort he firsttime for a car called Neon the fact that the consumer already has the word stored in memort should make it easier to encode the product name and thus improve its recallability.Although choosing a simple, easy o pronounce ,familiar, and meningful brand name can improve recallability, to improve brand recognition, on the other hand , it is important that brand names be different,distinctive and unusual. Note that cultural differences may exist in brand name memorability and recall.In one study , Chinese speakers were more likely to recall names presented as brand names in visual rather than spoken , whereas English speakers were more likely sensations of verbal information in Chinese are coded primarily in a visual manner whereas verbal in English is coded primarily in a phonological in a visal manner. As with all brand choice criteria, tradeoffs must be recognized.Even if a distinctive brand name is advantageous for brand recogniton.Ä °t also has to be seen as credible and desirabe in the product category.A notable exception is Smuckers jelly, which has tried to turn the handicap of its distinctive-but porential dislikable-name into a positive through its slogan. Brand Associations Although choosing a memorable name is valuable , it is often necessary fort he brand to have broader meaning to consumers than just the product categort it is in.Because the brand name is a bundle form of communication , the specific and implicit meaning that consumers extract from the name can be critical.In particular, the brand name can be selected to strenghten an essential attributes benefit association that makes up its product positioning. A descriptive brand name should make it easier to link the reinforced attribute or benefit.That is, it should be easier to communicate to consumers that a laundry detergentadds fresh secntto clothes Ä ±f it were given a name such asBlossomthan Ä ±f Ä ±t were given a neutral,nonsuggestive name such as Circle. Made-up brand names, however , ara generally devised more systematically.Fictitious words are typically based on combination of morphemes.A morpheme is the smallest lingual unit having are 6,000 morphemes in the English language , including real words. ( e.q., man) as well as prefixes , suffixes, or root.For example, Compaq computers name comes from a combination of two morphemes indicating computers and communication and a small,integral object. Naming Product A number of different procedures pr systems have been suggested for naming new products.Although some differences exist, most systems for developing brand names can be seen as basically adopting a procedure something along the following lines. In general, the first step in selecting a brand name for a new good is to dine the branding objectives in terms of the six general criteria.It is particularly important to define the ideal meaning that brand should take.It is also necessary to recognize the role of the brand within the corporate branding hierarchy and how the brand should relate to other brands and products. With the strategic branding direction in place, the second step involves generating as many names and concepts as possible.Any potential source of names can be used:company management and employees;existing or potential customers. Next , the names have to be viewed found on the branding objectives and marketing thoughts as well as just common sense , to produce a more manageable list.For example , General Mills starts by eliminating the following; Names that have unintentional double meaning Names that are patently unpronounceable, alreadt in use , or too close to an existing name Names that have obvious legal complications Names that represent an obvious contradiction of the positioning The fourth step involves conveing more broad information on each of the final 5 to 10 or so names. Before spending large amounts of Money on consumer research. It is usually advisable to do an extensive international legal search. Next, consumer research is ofteh conducted to authorize supervision watchfulness as to the memorability and meaningfulness of the names.Consumer testing can take all forms.Many firms attempt to simulate the actual marketing program fort he brand and consumers likely purchase experiences as much as possible. Finally, based on all information conveied from the prior step,supervision can select the name that maximzed the firms branding and marketing goals and then legally register the name. 1.Descriptive Describes function literally; generally unregisterable Examples; Singapore Airlines, Global Crossing, Turkish Airlines 2.Suggestive Suggestive of a benefit or function Example; marchFÄ °RST, Agilent Technologies, ASELSAN 3.Compounds Combination of two or more, often unexpected, words Example; redhat 4.Classical Based on Latin, Greek, or Sanskirt Example; Meritor 5.Arbitrary Real words with no obvious tie-in to company Example; Apple, Çilek Mobilya 6.Fanciful Coined words with no obvious meaning Example; Avanade,Zorlu Landors Brand Name Taxonomy URLs Urls are used to particularize spots of pages on Web, and are likewhise usually allude to as domain names.Urls ought to set down or recompense for the call by a service like recent years , as the numbers of companies entering web have been increased , the importance of URLs increased dramatically.The number of registered URLs realm names almost doubled to 17 million from May to September 200.The rank of URLs reached 84,000 per days or approximately on eper second.(Keller , 2002 ) Another declare companies faces with respect to URLs is to protect their brand from unauthorized use in realm names.For instance , Nike could not countenance the name seen in the URL of a facle fan site order to protect its brand name from unauthorized realm use in a URL.The exact name used in Urls are much more understanable than anyother uses, which means that the name of the brand ought to create the name of URLs.For instance , a few exapmles from turkish based companies Urls ; , , (Matt Hicks ,Order Out of Chaos 2001) In 2000 , ICANN , the agency directs the internets adress system brought seven new domain suffixes.Two addition of two domains were .biz and .info , in nowember and it makes the new domains necessary.These new domains entangled issues , but , for huge companies that applied sizeable time and money to secure the URLs.Additional cost element occurs as the companies are forced to buy these new domains , however companies have to do all due to protect the brand image. Logos and Symbols (Those some of examples Turkish brand logos and symbols) Visual brand dimensions often take a critical role in constructing brand equity, although the brand name particularly is the central element of the brand. Logos have a long history that means to point out center, ownership, or association. For instance, logos for years, ages, have been used to visually represent their names by families and countries. .(Keller, 2002 ) Many kÄ ±nds of logos, ranging from trademarks or corporate names , exist and they are written in a distinctive form.To wholy abstract logos,that might be entirely unconcerned with the word mark,corporate acitivites or corporate name.Some of the brands has strong word Marks such as Coca-cola , Dunhill,AND Kit-Kat.Some examples for abstract logos are the Mercedes star, Rolex-crown,CBS ETC.(27) There are two extremes that many logos fall between. Logos always concorted as symbols to reinforce the meaning of brand in anyway. Many logos are the exact from of representation of brand name and that makes the brand so easy to be known and to be kept in my mind for long time. Logos are often useful as the use of the full brand name is restricted in anyway. National Westminster, Bank in the United Kingdom, for instance,created a triangulardevice as a logo in part becasue the name itself was long and cumbersome and the logo could be more easily appear as an identification device on the check books.(Keller 2002) In updating logos, however, it is important to make gradual changes that do not mislay sight of the intrinsic advantages of the logo. In the 1980s, for many firms was to create more abstract, stylized versions of their logo. Recognizing the logos potential contribution to brand equity, some firms in the 1990s reverted to a more traditional look for their symbols.(32) Unlike brand names, logos can be easily changed over time to success a more coeval look. To illustrate with an example,Burger-KÄ ±ng is the second largest hamburger chain in america, added blue to its logos to make it more eye-catching. The change was intended to convey a message of strenght and aility with a technology edge.(31) Slogans Some examples for turkÄ ±sh brands slogan as follows ; BEKO A World Brand VESTEL Friendly Technology Turkish Airlines Globally Yours ÃÅ"LKER A Happy Moment Slogans are short expresses which communicate descriptive or convincing information related to the brand.Slogans frequently come forth in advertising,but can play an important role on packaging and in other viewpoint of the marketing campaign.For instance , Snickers Hungry ? Snickers Really Satisfies slogan appears in ads and on the candy bar wrapper itself.Slogan can function as useful hooks or handles to help consumers grasp the meaning of a brand in terms of what the brand is and what makes it special.(Keller 2002) Slogans often become closely tied to advertising campaings can be used as tag lines to summarize the descriptive adn persuasive information conveyed in the ads.For exapmle,De Beers diamonds A diamond Is Forever tag line communicates the intended ad message that diamonds bring eternal love and romance and never lose value.(Keller 2002) Some slogans become so strongly linked to the brand that Ä ±t becomes difficult to subsequently introduce new ones.For example,Miller Lite beer has struggled to find a successor to its memorable Tastes Great à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Less Fillingslogan.After the failure of the controversial Made by Dickads with their sometimes bizarre renditions of the Miller Time refrain.(Keller,2002) Characters Those character examples represent to three multinational Turkish companies Arà §elik:Character name is Çelik Vestel:Characters name are Vestron Opet:Character name is Opedo Characters identifies a particular kind of brand symbol is one that takes on people or real life characteristics.Brand characters kindly are announced by using advertising and can play an important role in those and subsequent ad campaings and package designs.As similiar to other brand elements , brand characters come in many several forms.Some brand characters are enlivened.(Keller 2002) Brand characters may supply a count of brand equity advance.The reason is that they are frequently colorful and wealthy in visiual,they ought to be attention getting.As a result , brand characters can be quite useful for creating brand awarness.Brand characters can help brands break through the marketplace clutter as well as help to communicate a key product benefit.For instance,Maytags Lonely Repairman has helped to reinforce their keyreliability product association.(Keller 2002) Brand characters do not trpically have direct product meaning,they may also be trasferred relatively easily across product categories.For insatance,Aaker notes thatthe Keeblers elf identify gives the brandlatitude to extend into other baked goods and perhaps even into other types of food where homemade magic and fun might be perceived as a benefit.34 Jingles Jingles are musical messages that are written round the bran.Particularly, conveyed by Professional songwriters,they often have adequate catchy hooks and choruses so become almost permanently registered.Jingels can be considered as stretched musical slogans and in that perceive might be clasified as a brand element.The importance of Jingles over brands existence is so high so that the jingles must be clear.(Keller 2002) A well-known jibgle can serve as a foundation for advertising for years.As an example,in the United States, the familiar Give Me a Break jingle for Kit Kat candy bars has been sung in ads by Professionals and everyone since 1988 and has helped to propel the brand to the sixth best sellinh chocolate candy bar.38 Similarly,after two decades as the centerpiece of their ad campaign,there was an uproar when the US Army switched from their familiar Be All That You Can Be to Army of One. Packaging Packaging consists of the activities of designing and manufacturing containers or wrappers for a product that protect the product from damages.Like other brand elements,packages have a long history.Early humans used leaves and animal skin to cover and carry food and water.Glass containers first appeared in Egyp as early as 200.keller 2002 From the view of both the consumer and company,,packaging have to success a number of objectives. Identify the brand Convey descriptive and convincing knowledge Smooth product transfer and guard Asist at home storage Aid product consumption To success the marketing objectives fort he brand and satisfy the desires of consumers the aesthetic and functional components of packaging must be choosen correctly.Packaging can have essential brand equity promote for a firm.Frequently,one of the strongest associations that customers have with a brand connects to the view of its think of Heineken beet,a common response is gren bottle.(Keller 2002) Packaging switches can have sudden effect on selling.To illustrate with an example,sales of the Heath candy bar increased 25 percent after its wrapper was redone.Similarly,Rice-Aronis sales increased 20 percent in the first year after a packaging revitalization.44

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Social, Political and Economic Effects of WWI :: World War I History

Social, Political and Economic Effects of WWI "Everywhere in the world was heard the sound of things breaking." Advanced European societies could not support long wars or so many thought prior to World War I. They were right in a way. The societies could not support a long war unchanged. The First World War left no aspect of European civilization untouched as pre-war governments were transformed to fight total war. The war metamorphed Europe socially, politicaly, economically, and intellectualy. European countries channeled all of their resources into total war which resulted in enormous social change. The result of working together for a common goal seemed to be unifying European societies. Death knocked down all barriers between people. All belligerents had enacted some form of a selective service which levelled classes in many ways. Wartime scarcities made luxury an impossibility and unfavorable. Reflecting this, clothing became uniform and utilitarian. Europeans would never again dress in fancy, elaborate costumes. Uniforms led the way in clothing change. The bright blue-and-red prewar French infantry uniforms had been changed after the first few months of the war, since they made whoever wore them into excellent targets for machine guns. Women's skirts rose above the ankle permanently and women became more of a part of society than ever. They undertook a variety of jobs previously held by men. They were now a part of clerical, secretarial work, and te! aching. They were also more widely employed in industrial jobs. By 1918, 37.6 percent of the work force in the Krupp armaments firm in Germany was female. In England the proportion of women works rose strikingly in public transport (for example, from 18,000 to 117,000 bus conductors), banking (9,500 to 63,700), and commerce (505,000 to 934,000). Many restrictions on women disappeared during the war. It became acceptable for young, employed, single middle-class women to have their own apartments, to go out without chaperones, and to smoke in public. It was only a matter of time before women received the right to vote in many belligerent countries. Strong forces were shaping the power and legal status of labor unions, too. The right of workers to organize was relatively new, about half a century. Employers fought to keep union organizers out of their plants and armed force was often used against striking workers. The universal rallying of workers towards their flag at the beginning of the war led to w ider acceptance of unions.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Pollution and Culture in Greenland :: Greenland Environment Ecology Pollute Essays

Greenland is contaminated with considerable amounts of pollution, caused by large-scale atmospheric circulations, especially in winter. The pollutants in the Arctic are primarily sulfur, which is highly acidic, in both gas and aerosol form. Most of these pollutants are from anthropogenic sources deriving mainly from industrialized areas in the Eurasian continent. In addition to threatening environmental stability, pollution is speeding the unraveling of traditional Inuit culture in Greenland. Climate change is affecting the entire world, yet Greenland is especially sensitive to slight fluctuations due to its dependency of the natives’ traditional lifestyles on the environment. Melting ice and permafrost restrict access to hunting grounds making a traditional way of life consisting of hunting seal and caribou more difficult.2 Every four years, the Inuit living in Greenland, Canada, Alaska, and Siberia convene the Inuit Circumpolar Conference (ICC) to discuss issues of concern. The ICC lobbied successfully to ban a dozen organic pollutants, carried north by winds, that do not evaporate in the Arctic cold. These pollutants were infecting meat and berries, staples of the Inuit diet, as well as the breast milk of nursing mothers.3 There are many more problems facing the sustainability of Greenland, such as trans-boundary pollution and the fact that the Inuit are not an effective lobbying group due to differences in culture, dialect, and lack of communication. In November of 2004, a report by 250 scientists warned that the Arctic is warming twice as fast as the global average, which threatens to wipe out several species including polar bears, and melt summer ice around the North Pole by 2100.4 One of the reasons for the increased warming is that the dark water and ground in the arctic soak up more heat from the atmosphere than ice or snow. The levels of carbon dioxide today are about 379ppm and increasing, a comparable level to 55 million years ago when there was no ice on the planet due to the warmth of the atmosphere.5 If the Greenland ice cap melts, the sea level will rise six or seven meters. Although this is a worst-case scenario, it seems clear that steps must be taken to reduce the concentration of carbon dioxide and other pollutants in our atmosphere. Investigations of pollutants in Greenland during the past fifteen years show that the troposphere is burdened with high levels of trans-boundary pollution. The major anthropogenic contributors to this â€Å"Arctic haze† are central Europe, and northern Russia.