Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Nursing Leadership & Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nursing Leadership & Management - Essay Example For the case of the CNL, they have no option but to always assess the context of the situation prior to selecting the leadership style in the course of dispensing duties in the hospital setting. This also relates to the fact that each organization functions on its own rules and already has a defined culture (Chapman, Johnson & Kilner, 2014). In line with this argument the leadership role and management of the CNL needs to depend on the context and the leader has to be extremely flexible while using either of leadership styles. According to the tasks of the CNL, the application of a historical assessment of leadership style may prove useful in their line of work as Chapman, Johnson & Kilner (2014) indicate. Since the tasks of the CNL are diverse, complex, and novel in the field of nursing, the nurse leader may assess the success of the leadership styles before and evaluate if the same are applicable in their present setting. If the leader manages to create a leadership pattern, then he/she has a proper chance of successful execution of duties in the hospital setting. Evidently, the CNL is expected to create an effective team through his/ her leadership styles in the hospital setting. Chapman, Johnson & Kilner (2014) write that effective teams need to be developed if the organization has to function as a unit and achieve the set objectives. This means that it is the responsibility of the CNL to make sure that they learn the strengths and the weak points of the team members so as he/she can devise the most effective way of leading them. On another view point Chapman, Johnson & Kilner (2014) are of the opinion that leadership must also ensure that the healthcare services are cost effective and that the quality of the services does not go down. This means that Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL) has to always make sure that the

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Christlogical review of the movies Jesus Christ Superstar and Godspell Essay

Christlogical review of the movies Jesus Christ Superstar and Godspell - Essay Example In this book it was described â€Å"how the Christian church dares appeal to a Jesus who never existed, to a mandate he never issued, and to a claim that he was God’s son, whom he never presumed for himself†. As Christianity began to spread from its original home and started spreading beyond Judaism into the Hellenistic world of the great Roman Empire, the main challenge became finding a way to express its faith in the thought categories of the Greco-Roman world. Gradually, Hellenistic philosophy proved to be helpful in this context but at the same time it represented a threat as it was a language of a very different culture. The greatest challenge confronted by church at this time was to adopt a new philosophical culture without simply â€Å"Hellenizing† its faith (Rausch, â€Å"Who is Jesus?: An introduction to Christology†). Since the inception of cinema as a medium of art many great movies were made that relates historical Jesus with our daily life. Two such all time great movies are ‘Godspell’ and ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’, that to a great extent emerges as a true weapon for the quest of real and true historical Jesus behind the gospels and the doctrines of church. Cinema is a strong medium to reach a lot of people at once. This paper presents the discourse that Jesus is everyman and how the impact of this saint can be felt through these movies. The directors of the movies through their plot, character presentation and setting displays that by deviating biblical facts, they actually bring Jesus close to common man and thereby his magic can be felt more strongly which can be perceived through the Christological review of both the films. Released in 1973, the film ‘Godspell’ is based on the Off-Broadway musical Godspell of John Michael Tebelak. With the backdrop of modern New York along with its excellent star cast, the film received positive response both from critics as well as general