Friday, November 1, 2019

Three Gorges Dam- Tourism Venue and Creation and Loss of Jobs Research Paper

Three Gorges Dam- Tourism Venue and Creation and Loss of Jobs - Research Paper Example The business opportunities will provide a platform through which many people can establish some businesses in the area. For example, as tourists come to visit the site, it is apparent that they would require having some hotels and restaurants around and within the location. In this regard, people will venture into the hotel business thus creating jobs to many people. In order to have tourism facilitate effectively, there is need to have tourist operators who will organize and take tourists to the site. This way, many people will have an opportunity to work in these tour companies (Jim Para. 6). However, in the effort to relocate towns and people living around this area, it means that many people will loose their agricultural land and this could lead to lose of livelihood to these people (Yardley Para 50). People who relied on agriculture as their economic activity will loose it. It is apparent that the towns that will be relocated will lead to lose of jobs to many people. In these towns, many businesses will be destabilized and this leads to lose of jobs to both the owners and people employed to work in those businesses. After completion of the three Georges dam project, visitors will be able to see a wonder in the Yangtze River where a calm lake sits among the steep gorges. Many scenic spots which could not have been entered are now reachable. For example, in Fangyang River, the branch of Madu River, a new site of small gorges comes into view (Agencies Para. 3). The white Emperor city, which was originally hidden in the thick forest before, becomes an attractive island standing in the center of the River. This big scenery will attract more visitors to explore three Gorges (Backenheimer Para. 1). Since tourist will require having access to the site, it therefore means that they need to have means of transport to the area. In this regard, the construction of three Georges dam will largely improve the

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