Friday, December 20, 2019

Effects Of Depression On Young Females And Increase The...

Depression decreases a person’s overall quality of life. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) a government agency, affirms that â€Å"depression is the most common form of mood disorder in the United States† (NIHM, 2015). â€Å"Depression involves a combination of genetic, biological, environmental, and psychological factors† (NIMH, 2015). It affects work, family life and relationships. Although depression usually affects adults, children and adolescents experience depression and are most likely affected into adulthood. (Guttmann Sameroff, 2004). This paper will evaluate how conflicts between mother and daughter relationships directly affects depressive symptoms in adolescent girls. Finally, this paper examines the preventive and intervention strategies to help control depression in young females and increase the relationship between mother and daughter during adolescence years. Recent studies have shown that females are at a greater risk to experi ence depression than males (Daley Rao, 2000, Morris, McGrath, Goldman Rottenberg, 2014). Adolescence is a time in young girl’s lives that they are faced with transitions. A time when adolescence begins at 13 years old (Morris, McGrath, Goldman, Rottenberg, 2014) and young girls are faced with increases in social and academic demands (Daley Rao, 2000). According to Gutman and Sameroff (2004), this is a time in an adolescent girl’s life that stressors can predict more serious problems (Gutman Sameroff, 2004).Show MoreRelatedResearch Proposal: Depression in Children Adolescence - A Cause for Concern?3274 Words   |  14 PagesIntroduction Unhappiness among children and adolescents seems to be rising, but labeling it as depression and prescribing antidepressants are ineffective and possibly harmful, (Timimi, S (2005), isnt it about time we focus on the underlying reasons? 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