Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Serbian and Kyrgyz Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Serbian and Kyrgyz - Essay Example Like the European monarchs after 1848, post- Soviet most influential men (Gordy 78-80; Jennings) have grown massively concerned concerning the transnational increase of revolution. Most states have already begun taking countermeasures to strip off such likelihood (Woodward 123; Gordy 78-80). These democratic revolutions which have occurred amongst the post-communist (Woodward 123) nations present a challenge for social science hypothesizing, due to the cross situation motivations that in part drive their spread violate the conjecture of the independence of cases that lies at the basis of much social scientific analysis both analyses based on the Millian (Woodward 123) method, as well as those statistical analyses that rely on the thought and notion that the result of each throw off the political dice (Woodward 123) is independent of the results of prior throws. With each iteration the shape has adjusted somewhat as it faces the reality of local factors (Woodward 123; Kapatadze, 186). However its main features have revolved around six elements: the use of stolen elections as the occasion for massive mobilizations against pseudo-democratic regimes; foreign support for the development of local democratic movements (Woodward 123); the organization of extreme youth movements using unorthodox protest (Kapatadze, 186) tactics preceding the polls in order to undermine the regime’s popularity (Kapatadze, 186) and will to suppress and to arrange for a final showdown (Woodward 123; Kapatadze, 186); a united opposition established in part through foreign prodding; external diplomatic pressure and unusually large electoral monitoring; and (Woodward 123); massive mobilization upon the announcement of fraudulent electoral results and the use of non- violent resistance tactics taken directly from the work of Gene Sharp, the guru of non-violent

Monday, October 28, 2019

Hardware analysis Essay Example for Free

Hardware analysis Essay If any mistakes are found, he has assured them more work for less pay by making them enter all data twice, after which the computer will check for errors (Double-entry verification). This will also show who is to blame for mistakes. Output The website should be viewable on the 17inch CRT monitor. A large high spec TFT monitor is not needed, as it will only be used to see the end product of the produced website, and how it will look like to viewers on the internet. This display would be sensible to use, as the majority of internet users will be using a similar output. A standard set of speakers will be needed to test the audio files that shall be put on the website. A top of the range sub-woofer system will not be necessary, as the main purpose of the speakers will be testing. A regular set of 230w speakers should be more than fit for the purpose. A top-quality colour laser printer will not be needed to print out pages from his website. Instead the HP DeskJet 620 printer that will come with the PC he will purchase will be more cost-effective, and is adequate for its purpose as only a few pages are going to be printed on the odd occasion. It will allow him to print out pages in black or in colour from his website when and so he pleases, to see what they would look like to customers if they were to print out the same pages. Backup\Security Strategy The website file containing the final system will be too large to be backed up on disk, as it could be well over a 100MB, due to images and video audio files. Instead, backups shall be made at least once a week onto to as many recordable compact discs (CD-R) as needed. This process will usually take 8 minutes per recordable disc as Mr Murray is lucky enough to be receiving a 32x CD rewriter with his pc. All backup in a different location to where the computer containing the main system is, in case there is a fire, theft or flood. To make sure nobody can manipulate the website design, the computer with the website on it, and the website itself are both going to be password-protected. This will be very useful, as Mr Murray can protect the database from any unwanted intruders, and choose who he wants to have the responsibility of knowing the password. Even so, Mr Murray needs to remember to frequently change his password, in case someone finds out the password and gains access to the database. Most important of all, Mr Murray and whomsoever he chooses to tell the password to, must not write the password anywhere as this increases the risk of an impostor tampering with the design of the website. Although, the software package is quite costly, as mentioned in the identify section cost is not a huge problem for Mr Murray, as he has some family members who are ready to invest in the business. On the other hand, Mr Murray does not want to be paying large amounts of money, for a system which is not 100% guaranteed to work. Therefore Mr Murray has to find a balance, and go with the software package which he thinks is the most likely to work. After some discussion, Mr Murray and I decided that MS Publisher would be the most suitable software package for Mr Murray to use. in relation to the user requirements mentioned in the identify section. Microsoft Word could be used. As mentioned in the Identify section, it can be used to insert pictures video clips, however it cannot be edited with as much ease as a true desktop publishing package. Front page Express would be a good choice, as it is specifically written for producing web sites. However, staff will need training, and the software package does not come cheep. Mr Murrays advertising employees currently use Microsoft Works to produce their material. Microsoft Works is a very simple version of its bigger brother Microsoft Word. This means that staff may not need training. Microsoft Word not only includes graphics and fancy headings, but can also be used to insert video clips. Nevertheless, the cost needed to buy the program will be an issue, as Mr Murray is currently in debt from a bank loan. A desktop Publishing program could also be purchased. This would be a considerable package to consider, as it is specifically written for publishing, and can be used to publish a web site, which is accessible from anywhere in the world. Even So, there is the cost of buying the program to consider (as mentioned earlier), as well as the money and time needed to train staff. include data collection evaluation methods [In each section (e. g. video , dvd etc.. ) the best title will have a video clip of it attached on that section of the website. ]

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Self Reflective Practice Essay -- Childcare Directors, Early Childhood

This paper will explore the role of the director in modeling reflective practice as a tool to move a program towards programmatic excellence. Childcare directors are closely connected to all aspects of the childcare program; they supervise and support the teachers and staff and they work with the children and families. They are responsible for the program administration. They are the program manager and the center leader. This paper will suggest ways to incorporate more reflective practice into our programs at Kennedy Heights Community Center. The literature on self-reflective practice will be explored and analyzed to support the paper’s thesis of reflective practice as a tool on the path to excellence. The limitations and weaknesses of reflective practice will also be explored. Reflection- Literature Review In her article, Becoming a Self Mentor, Bloom states, â€Å"The capacity to reflect and engage in candid introspection is at the core of achieving self-awareness. Reflective practitioners think creatively, imaginatively, and at times self-critically about what they are doing. Individuals who use a variety of reflective practices have a better understanding of themselves† (pg. 55). If we value continuous programmatic improvements then practitioners must know themselves to effectively change and improve themselves. Teachers and directors cannot adjust or improve their attitudes or behaviors if they are unable to honestly acknowledge and own their actions. Reflection can help to close the gap between â€Å"espoused theories and theories in action† (Bloom, 2007). The best written handbooks and program manuals are meaningless if teachers and directors do not implement the philosophy and vision of the program as written. If centers talk... ...d care and education to know what excellence looks like, but also knowledge of adult education to get all the teachers to the pursuit of excellence. While reflective practice is a critical part of professional development, the program administrator must continuously move a program towards excellence and have a deep understanding of best practices and what quality childcare looks like to effectively model and facilitate reflective practice that leads to sustainable change. While some aspects of quality are concrete and stable; many aspects of quality childcare reflect the needs of the children and their families and are constantly changing. It takes management skills to maintain consistency and leadership skills to facilitate the changing program needs to maintain quality. The director serves both roles and therefore serves as the gatekeeper to program quality.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Con Man, by Ken Mitchell :: essays papers

The Con Man, by Ken Mitchell The novel, The Con Man, by Ken Mitchell is a very humorous novel. In the novel, Ken uses humour to get a point across at many different times. In the Concise Oxford Dictionary humour is defined as: the condition of being amusing or comic. Well some parts of the novel are very amusing and comic. One funny part in the book is when the kids at the beginning ask Gilly if he is native or black. At that part Ken was getting across what Gilly was. That is just one example in the novel, there are others also. Humour can be used to get points across in the real world, and it is also used to get points across in the novel. One humorous part in the novel that gets a point across is in chapter two when they are all travelling. They have to stop and when they do some local town kids bug Gilly. They throw stuff at him and tie him to a tree. They ask him if he is a native, and he denies. They ask if he is a black, and he denies. They just make fun of him, until he gets rescued. Eventually we learn that Gilly is neither native, or black, or white, he is a halfbreed. This funny part in the novel gets the point across of what Gilly really is. Without this one part in the novel we would not know what Gilly is. We would probably just assume that he is white. Ken probably puts this in the novel because he had a troubled childhood and he just had to let off some steam. When he was a kid all the other kids probably bugged him. Maybe he was a halfbreed and the other kids bugged him about being native or black. Ken is just showing how mean kids can be, and he feels that kids should be nicer to each other. Then the world would be a much happier place. A second funny part in the story is when Gilly is getting tail and the cops come and knock on the door. Ken Mitchell does this because he is a pervert. You can tell that Ken is a big pervert because all throughout the story he has a bunch of sick parts like this. Ken probably did not have a wife or a girlfriend,.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Catch Us If You Can” by Catherine McPhail Essay

Based on the novel† Catch Us If You Can† by Catherine McPhail. I have studied many characters that can be more responsible to what they do. The main character is a responsible person. The main character is Rory that a boy in this novel. Responsible can be described as a work that we must do it by ourselves. Now, I will discuss to all of you about the character that has shown responsibility in his actions. It is the main character, Rory. Firstly, let me move on with my first argument that show the main character, Rory is a responsible person. It can be shown from chapter one, at the clinic. Rory brings Granda for medical check-up. Granda afraid to meet the doctor and Rory tries to calm down his as well. The same time, Granda can’t be a mature person. He acts such as a child at there. Rory asks Granda to behave himself. This can be proving at chapter one, page 2, at last paragraph â€Å"I pulled him back to our seats. â€Å" Now sit down, Granda, and behave yourself†. After that, Granda helps a lady with opens the door to her. Granda puts on fire and Rory has to throw water all over Granda to put out the fire. When they meet Dr. Nicol, Rory asks the doctor about Granda health. Dr. Nicol gives a suggestion to take a home help but Granda be the first person doesn’t agree with it. From the point that I view, I knows that Rory is a responsible person even he just a boy that must need some love. Rory beings responsible with brings Granda to the clinic for a medical check-up. Rory also asks Granda to behave himself because he wants Granda in good condition. He also never forgets to give Granda the pill every day. He is more caring towards Granda. He does it because he loves Granda very much. He loves Granda because Granda is the only person that takes care of him since he is young. He thinks that Granda is the only father and mother in his life. He can’t through the life without his Granda beside him. From all the points I have mentioned, I strongly believes that Rory is a responsible person even he just a young boy. Next, let me move on to the second point that show Rory is a responsible person. It has be shown at the Rachnadar. It is the first time Rory sees his Granda cries even his late gran die. Rory feels guilty when he sees the condition of Granda at Rachnadar. Granda asks him why they bring him there but Rory doesn’t know what to say. Granda hugs Rory and holds the Rory’s hand tightly but Rory brings her eyes to the outside. The next day, he plans to rescue Granda from Rachnadar and Darren supports it actually Darren also gives the key of his mother’s caravan to Rory. He asks Rory to stays there for a while. Rory goes to the Rachnadar and enters it through the exit door. He asks Granda to be quite and he will ring Granda outs from there. The same time, he takes Granda’s pill because he knows that he will need them. This can be proving at chapter thirteen, page 62, at second paragraphs â€Å"His teeth were on the beside table. Better not forget them. And his he aring aid, not that it did him any goods he usually forgot to switch on†. From the point that I view, I know that Rory is a responsible boy towards his work. He never forgets to plan it extremely and completely because he wants the plan works. Rory beings more responsible when he plans to rescue Granda from Rachnadar. He feels that it is his dutys to save Granda from a suffer life. He can’t seeGranda cries anymore and he wants Granda makes a freely life moments. He also is responsibles to what he plans. He takes Granda’s pill when he goes to Rachnadar and saves him. He does it because he knows that he will need the pill or the equipments at another time. From all the points I have mentioned, I strongly believe that Rory is a responsible boy that rescues his Granda from a suffer life. Lastly, let me move on to the last point that shows that the main character, Rory is a responsible boy. It can be shown at chapter three, at the field. Mr. Hood invites Rory to join the football team. But, Rory tells Mr. Hood that he can’t play football. After that, Darren comes to ask him again but Rory still in his decision. Rory also tells Darren that his musts look after his Granda. This can be shown at chapter three, page 6, at last paragraph â€Å"Anyway, you know I can’t get to football practice. How would I get to the games? Who would look after my Granda.† Later, Darren asks him to send Granda to Rachnadar, and then Rory is angry and nearly kick Darren’s leg. He also tells Darren that Granda doesn’t want to go to Rachnadar. Lastly, he runs off before Darren can say another word. From the point that I view, I know that Rory is the main character that be a responsible in his life. He is more responsible when he knows that his musts look after Granda. He can sacrifices anything even he just a young boy. He thought that he must takes the responsibility towards his Granda because Granda doesn’t has any person that may takes care of him. Furthermore, Granda is forgetful person. Rory also loves his Granda, because of that he willing to make that job. He doesn’t have any biological parents in his life; he just has Granda as a father and a mother to him. He also feels guilty towards his Granda. If he plays the games, he can’t imagine that Granda will get sicker than before. From all the points I have mentioned, I strongly believe that Rory is responsible person. He cans sacrifice his joyful to take care of Granda. As a conclusion, the main character, Rory is a responsible person even he just s young boy that needs more love from adults. He makes Granda as his parents because he doesn’t have a mother or a father. From the event, we can know that Rory can be a mature person and he cans think likely an adult. Rory becomes more responsible to what he does and be responsible to every person especially his Granda.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Serial Killer Nurse Kristen Gilbert

Serial Killer Nurse Kristen Gilbert Kristen Gilbert is a former Veterans Administration (VA) nurse who was found guilty of murdering four VA patients in the early 1990s. She was also convicted of attempting to murder two other hospital patients and has been suspected in the deaths of dozens more.   Childhood Years Kristen Heather Strickland was born Nov. 13, 1967, to parents Richard and Claudia Strickland. She was the oldest of the two daughters in what appeared to be a well-adjusted home. The family moved from Fall River to Groton, Mass., and Kristen lived out her preteen years without any significant problems. As Kristen grew older, however, friends say she became a habitual liar and would boast of being related to Lizzie Borden, a notorious serial killer. She could be manipulative, threatening suicide when angry, and had a history of making violent threats, according to court records. A Nursing Job In 1988 Kristen earned her degree as a registered nurse from Greenfield Community College. That same year, she married Glenn Gilbert, whom she met at Hampton Beach, N.H. In March 1989, she landed a job at the Veterans Administration Medical Center in Northampton, Mass., and the young couple bought a home and settled into their new life. To fellow workers, Kristen seemed competent and committed to her job. She was the type of co-worker who would remember birthdays and organize gift exchanges during the holidays. She seemed the social butterfly of the C Ward where she worked. Her superiors rated her nursing as highly skillful and noted how well she reacted during medical emergencies. In late 1990, the Gilberts had their first child, a baby boy. After returning from maternity leave, Kristin switched to the 4 p.m. until midnight shift and almost immediately strange things began to happen. Patients began dying during her shift, tripling the medical centers rate of deaths over the previous three years. During each incident, Kristens calm competent nursing skills shined, and she won the admiration of her fellow workers. An Affair After the Gilberts second child was born in 1993, the couples marriage seemed to falter. Kristen was developing a friendship with James Perrault, a security guard at the hospital, and the two often socialized with other workers at the end of their shifts. At the end of 1994, Gilbert, who was actively having an affair with Perrault, left her husband and their young children. She moved into her own apartment and continued to work at the VA hospital. Kristens co-workers began to grow suspicious  about the deaths that always seemed to occur during her shift. Although many of the patients who died were old or in poor health, there were also patients who had no history of heart problems, yet were dying of cardiac arrest. At the same time, supplies of ephedrine, a drug with the potential to cause heart failure, began to go missing. Suspicious Deaths and a Bomb Threat In late 1995 and early 1996, four patients under Gilberts care died, all of cardiac arrest. In each case, ephedrine was the suspected cause. After three of Gilberts coworkers voiced their concerns that she may have been involved, an investigation was opened. Shortly thereafter, Gilbert left her job at the VA hospital, citing injuries she sustained while at work. By the summer of 1996, Gilbert and Perraults relationship had become strained. In September, federal authorities investigating the hospital deaths interviewed Perrault. Thats when the bomb threats began. On Sept. 26 while working at the VA hospital, Perrault took a phone call from someone claiming to have planted three bombs at the hospital. Patients were evacuated and police called, but no  explosives were found. Similar threats were made to the hospital the next day and on the 30th, all during Perraults shifts. Two Trials It wasnt long before police linked Gilbert to the calls. She was tried and convicted in January 1998 of making a bomb threat and sentenced to 15 months in prison. Federal investigators, meanwhile, were getting closer to linking Gilbert to the patient deaths at the VA hospital. In November of 1998, Gilbert went on trial for murder in the deaths of Henry Hudon,  Kenneth Cutting, and  Edward Skwira, as well as the attempted murders of two other patients,  Thomas Callahan, and Angelo Vella. The following May, Gilbert was also charged in the death of patient Stanley Jagodowski. The trial began in November 2000. According to prosecutors, Gilbert committed the murders because she craved attention and wanted to spend time with Perrault. In seven years at the hospital, prosecutors said, Gilbert was on duty when more than half of the 350 recorded patient deaths occurred. Defense lawyers countered that Gilbert was innocent and that her patients had died of natural causes. On March 14, 2001, jurors found Gilbert guilty  of the first-degree murder in three of the cases and second-degree murder in the fourth. She also was convicted of  attempted murder in the case of two other hospital patients and sentenced to four life sentences. She dropped her appeal of the sentence in 2003. As of February 2017, Gilbert remained incarcerated in federal prison in Texas. Sources Farragher, Thomas. Caregiver or Killer? The Boston Globe. 8 October 2000. Goldberg, Carey. Former Nurse on Trial in Patients Deaths. The New York Times. 23 November 2000. Gorlick, Adam. Murderous Nurse Escapes Death Penalty.  ABC News. 26 March 2001. HLN Staff. When Serial Killers Strike: The Angel of Death on Ward C. CNN. 1 April 2013.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Old Man And The Sea

In Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea, Santiago, during his lonely journey out to sea, learned that life offered him an undeniable joy plus frustration. Honor, heroism, and struggle were obstacles Santiago encountered which provided him courage and faith. For instance, Santiago’s life was filled with honor. The past and the present were memories about which the old man was most proud. The old man endured tremendous physical pain, like the cramping in his hands, leading him to almost give up. To encourage himself, the old man remembered the time when he was â€Å"el campeon† meaning â€Å"the champion† in Spanish. For a long time after that everyone had called him â€Å"the champion† (Pg. 70). The memory of being a victor revived Santiago’s stamina, encouraging him to seek another goal. His next goal, the marlin, ultimately challenged him. He fought the fish for so long that he formed a type of bond with the fish, and he said â€Å"Fish, I will stay with you until I am dead† (Pg. 52). At the moment, when Santiago harpooned the marlin through the heart, he knew that he was victorious. This act realistically sobered Santiago; he gained more honor and self-confidence. As a result, Santiagoâ €™s life was filled with a feeling of nobility. Furthermore, Santiago often talked about his hero, Joe DiMaggio, a famous and eminent baseball player. Joe DiMaggio directly and indirectly affected the old man. His actions, like when he played baseball with the bone spur, and his attitudes contributed to the old man’s life. Thinking about DiMaggio showed the old man the way to victory. His worship of DiMaggio woke the courage that was within the old man’s heart. As Santiago thought the ultimate challenge was over, the worst was yet to come. The mako sharks had sensed the marlin’s blood in the water and moved after it. It approached and attacked the marlin. Santiago killed the first shark. After that, the sharks kept coming. Th... Free Essays on Old Man And The Sea Free Essays on Old Man And The Sea In Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea, Santiago, during his lonely journey out to sea, learned that life offered him an undeniable joy plus frustration. Honor, heroism, and struggle were obstacles Santiago encountered which provided him courage and faith. For instance, Santiago’s life was filled with honor. The past and the present were memories about which the old man was most proud. The old man endured tremendous physical pain, like the cramping in his hands, leading him to almost give up. To encourage himself, the old man remembered the time when he was â€Å"el campeon† meaning â€Å"the champion† in Spanish. For a long time after that everyone had called him â€Å"the champion† (Pg. 70). The memory of being a victor revived Santiago’s stamina, encouraging him to seek another goal. His next goal, the marlin, ultimately challenged him. He fought the fish for so long that he formed a type of bond with the fish, and he said â€Å"Fish, I will stay with you until I am dead† (Pg. 52). At the moment, when Santiago harpooned the marlin through the heart, he knew that he was victorious. This act realistically sobered Santiago; he gained more honor and self-confidence. As a result, Santiagoâ €™s life was filled with a feeling of nobility. Furthermore, Santiago often talked about his hero, Joe DiMaggio, a famous and eminent baseball player. Joe DiMaggio directly and indirectly affected the old man. His actions, like when he played baseball with the bone spur, and his attitudes contributed to the old man’s life. Thinking about DiMaggio showed the old man the way to victory. His worship of DiMaggio woke the courage that was within the old man’s heart. As Santiago thought the ultimate challenge was over, the worst was yet to come. The mako sharks had sensed the marlin’s blood in the water and moved after it. It approached and attacked the marlin. Santiago killed the first shark. After that, the sharks kept coming. Th... Free Essays on Old Man And The Sea In the books that we have read this semester there are two books that I chose to write about the first being The Old Man and the Sea and the second being The Crucible. The reason I chose these two books is because I feel that if there are driving forces inside of every person that make a person do bad things there also should be something inside of all of us to make us do good. I think that these two books illustrate that there are in fact both kinds of these driving forces. In some cases both of these forces are present and in others there is only one present. The Crucible was set in a very strange time when people were looking for religious freedom. These same people who wanted to be left alone to profess their religion moved to the present day Massachusetts where they tried to push their religion onto those who already lived there. Already you can see the contradiction, these people wished to be free and when they got their wish they wanted to force their beliefs upon others. The overall theme of this book was that almost everyone was out to protect themselves, these people would blame others, accuse them of witchery in order to keep from being accused themselves. The people of Salem would do whatever was necessary in order to keep a clear name. The majority of them were perfect examples of how the driving force inside of some can make even good people do bad things. On the other hand a great example of a strong person who knew right from wrong was John Proctor. He did not want to take part in the transfer of guilt and this proves that at least in some cases these driving forces are used for a good cause. The second book is quite different in that there are no accusations being made all the time and there are not really decisions to be made over right and wrong. The old man, Santiago, a fisherman who was having bad luck had gone forty days before the boy’s parents forbade him to fish with the old man. The fact th...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Best Guess on the Year ‘Romeo and Juliet’ Was Written

Best Guess on the Year ‘Romeo and Juliet’ Was Written Although there is no record of when Shakespeare actually wrote Romeo and Juliet, it was first performed in 1594 or 1595. It is likely that Shakespeare wrote the play shortly before its premiere performance. But while  Romeo and Juliet  is one of Shakespeares most famous plays, the storyline is not entirely his own. So, who wrote the original Romeo and Juliet and when?   Italian Origins The origins of Romeo and Juliet are convoluted, but many people trace it back to an old Italian tale based on the lives of two lovers who tragically died for each other in Verona, Italy in 1303. Some say the lovers, although not from the Capulet and Montague families, were real people.   While this may as well be true, there is no clear record of such a tragedy occurring in Verona in 1303. Tracing it back, the year seems to be proposed by the City of Verona Tourist Site, most likely in order to boost touristic appeal.   Capulet and Montague Families The Capulet and Montague families were most likely based on the Cappelletti and Montecchi families, which did exist in Italy during the 14th century. While the term family is used, Cappelletti and Montecchi were not the names of private families but rather local political bands. In modern terms, perhaps the word clan or faction is more accurate. The Montecchi was a merchant family that competed with other families for power and influence in Verona. But there is no record of a rivalry between them and the Cappelletti. Actually, the Cappelletti family was based in Cremona. Early Text Versions of Romeo and Juliet In 1476, the Italian poet, Masuccio Salernitano, wrote a story titled Mariotto e Gianozza. The story takes place in Siena and centers around two lovers who are secretly married against the wishes of their families and end up dying for each other due to a tragic miscommunication. In 1530, Luigi da Porta published Giulietta e Romeo,  which was based on Salernitanos story. Every aspect of the plot is the same. The only differences are that Porta changed the names of the lovers and the setting location, Verona rather than Siena. Also, Porta added the ball scene in the beginning, where Giulietta and Romeo meet and has Giuletta  commit suicide by stabbing herself with a dagger rather than wasting away like in Salernitanos version. English Translations Portas Italian story was translated in 1562 by Arthur Brooke, who published the English version under the title The Tragical History of Romeus and Juliet. William Painter retold the story in prose in his 1567 publication, Palace of Pleasure. It is most likely that William Shakespeare read these English versions of the story and was thus inspired to pen Romeo and Juliet.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Nature and Effects of the Emergence of 'Globalisation' as a Essay

The Nature and Effects of the Emergence of 'Globalisation' as a Feature of the World Economy over the Last 30 Years - Essay Example So what does globalization really mean to the overall world economies in general and what are the real reasons for the increased expansion and global integration of the financial and the general goods and service markets? The concept of globalization is not a new one, with individuals, from scholars, politicians and economists having different viewpoints as to the reasons for globalization as well as the positive and negative consequences of increased economic and industrial integration. Even during the 1960’s and 70’s multinational corporations started to shift their long term operational focus from a domestic to a global operational infrastructure (Colander, 2002).The were a lot of reasons that contributed to the paradigm shift that help drive the globalization of our manufacturing and service infrastructures as well as our financial and monetary systems. Advances in transportation methods such as cheaper air transport made it economically feasible for corporations to transport goods quite quickly and affordably. Starting in the 1980’s, the personal computer has created a revolution in the way business and individuals interact with each other and it has provided cheaper data processing and storage costs. It has increased worker productivity and operational efficiency for all businesses in general. Coupled with the advent of the internet the computer with its inherent functionality of quickly being able to share technical information, ideas and the ability for a team of individuals to be able to cooperate and share information, solutions and ideas seamlessly from different corners of the world has simply revolutionized the way we do business, especially with the wider availability of broadband services starting in the 1990’s (Emilian, Marcel, Hurduzeu, Vlad, 2011). The computer age, technological and communication advances have allowed multinational corporations and nations to expand their economies to more easily integrate themselv es to the global trade and financial markets therefore benefiting from increased economic prosperity for many previously underdeveloped economies. The increased trade has allowed unprecedented levels of economic growth for many of the countries that have successfully positioned themselves in the global arena (Imf, 2008). The ability for a company to choose to operate out of any country is a very important aspect of globalization, where an organization can choose among many nations to source its materials, manufacturing and headquarters and therefore has shifted the industrial operational structure towards one driven by efficiency and profitability instead of national barriers. The nullification of previous import tariffs and general protectionism previously played by many countries has played an important part in the globalization of economic trade by decreasing the amount of tariffs and other obstacles in the international trade of goods and services. It has become a driving factor in the advent of economic and financial globalization. The minimization of trade barriers was created with the idea of optimizing trade, financial flows and providing the maximum level of opportunity for economic benefits to the participating corporations and international economies in a bid to drive a general economic shift to a more fully integrated globalize trade

Friday, October 18, 2019

I need 5 seperate one page weekly current events Article

I need 5 seperate one page weekly current events - Article Example This took place after his plea. After his prosecution, the federal government prosecutors had told a judge in New York about their exaggeration regarding the capabilities of the equipment found in the goods that he had previously been arrested for exporting. The judge has not made any efforts to change the judgment although the lawyers from both sides are continuing to press on the charges This is a complex case within which some banned actions can become legal after sometime. It shows how laws can shift from governing a certain activity to the providence of freedom. In this case, it moved from national security to freedom of internet for Iranians. A dilemma is thus presented regarding those who had been convicted of an action that has now become legal. In my opinion, they should be given consideration especially if it is later found that the activities in which they were involved were not as harmful as it had been earlier stated. The article focuses on the speech given by Governor Bobby Jindal on the significance of protecting liberty in the religious context. Majorly, he focused on some of the major attacks that have taken place against religious liberty citing especially the Obama administration. The speech was related to law in the sense that it talked about the rights of all American citizens as a whole and not the prerogative of a chosen few. This was mainly with the concern of people’s freedom. According to him, despite the diversity in belief shared by members of different denominations and faiths, every citizen still bears an intrinsic right to life, liberty and to pursue happiness. Instead of it bringing out a major difference, the diversity should be a foundation that forms the basis of law and foundation. It is thus an important aspect especially if people want to work together including the entrepreneurial spirit since they form the basis of

Case study for subjest ( Strategic Leadership in Criminal Justice ) Essay

Case study for subjest ( Strategic Leadership in Criminal Justice ) - Essay Example e criminal justice setting are faced with several dilemmas when it comes to implementing disciplinary actions that would foster a positive change among subordinates. This paper seeks to analyze one of a typical leadership dilemma in the criminal justice setting. I am Gary Hart, a leader of a small team of correctional officers at the Undon Correctional Facility. It has come to my attention that one of my team members and subordinates has been engaging in poor work practices. By poor working practice, I mean the team member is reported to be involved in unexplained absenteeism, sleeping on night shift, not making mandatory security checks and so on. Presently, I have undertaken a performance review meeting to outline the work performance concerns with the officer and develop an action plan to improve performance. The performance review meeting involves the team member in question. I am quite nervous of the meeting and issues to be raised by the team member is going to be because based on previous performance review meetings that I have had with the team member, it is likely that the team member will be very defensive about his work performance and will seek to blame management for this behaviour. My real dilemma therefore has to do with choo sing one leadership theory and design ways of making this leadership theory in the wake of the current leadership dilemma. The criminal justice setting is an important agency of our national development (Abion, 2001). Exceptionally important is the role played by the various correctional facilities. The Centre for Mindfulness and Justice (2011) notes that â€Å"the role of correctional employees is to provide safety for community residents, inmates and employees residing in and working in correctional facilities.† This makes the correctional facility a transformation centre where people are expected to leave with a lot of change of behaviour and character. People are expected to leave the correctional facilities, becoming

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Financial Markets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Financial Markets - Essay Example In the context of the International Community the most known financial regulators are the following ones: a) the International Organization of Securities Commissions – also known as IOSCO, b) the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and c) the Committee of European Securities Regulators – for the supervision of Financial Services across Europe. It has to be noted that international regulators have no power to impose specific rules on countries internationally – or to ask the local authorities to take measures in order to support such activity (Backley, 2008, p.135) The term ‘denomination intermediation’ refers to the transformation of money by financial intermediaries – usually the banks (Jeucken, 2001, p.56); a clearer definition of the above term is provided by Neave (1998); in accordance with the above researcher, the term ‘denomination intermediation’ reflects the following activities of banks: a) the gathering of money through the accounts of individuals – the amount deposited in each account is usually small and b) the lending of this amount – money gathered; the amounts given as loans are usually high (Neave, 1998, p.260). Towards the same direction, Brigham (2008) notes that ‘denomination intermediation’ is a term reflecting ‘the process by which financial intermediaries transform funds provided by savers into funds used by borrowers’ (Brigham, 2008, p.101). Liquidity risk is related with insolvency at the following point: in cases of high liquidity, the risk of insolvency is decreased; on the other hand, in low liquidity, the risk of insolvency is increased; it is in this context that the above two risks have been characterized as ‘linearly coupled processes’ (Matz et al., 2007, p.174). At the next level, liquidity can have a series of different aspects – including ‘the

Describe the Jacksonian Era What were some of the highlights of this Essay

Describe the Jacksonian Era What were some of the highlights of this period - Essay Example He was a creator and destroyer, but he destroyed to create! He destroyed Bank of the United States and left the nation without the financial authority to regulate and oversee the economic health. On the social and political front, he arranged the relocation of more than 90,000 Indians. He established direct rapport with the voters of the country. Though democratic to the core, he often worked against the mandate of the Congress, and he was a firm believer in the rights of the states. But he knew how to maintain the sanctity of the federal structure of America when he threatened federal military action against South Carolina, when it claimed that it has legal right against federal law. The heritage of Andrew Jackson, as President Roosevelt said, is â€Å"his unending contribution to the vitality of our democracy.†(x) He was compassionate and he adopted an Indian child. He encouraged interracial marriages and left an inedible imprint on the American political and societal

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Financial Markets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Financial Markets - Essay Example In the context of the International Community the most known financial regulators are the following ones: a) the International Organization of Securities Commissions – also known as IOSCO, b) the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and c) the Committee of European Securities Regulators – for the supervision of Financial Services across Europe. It has to be noted that international regulators have no power to impose specific rules on countries internationally – or to ask the local authorities to take measures in order to support such activity (Backley, 2008, p.135) The term ‘denomination intermediation’ refers to the transformation of money by financial intermediaries – usually the banks (Jeucken, 2001, p.56); a clearer definition of the above term is provided by Neave (1998); in accordance with the above researcher, the term ‘denomination intermediation’ reflects the following activities of banks: a) the gathering of money through the accounts of individuals – the amount deposited in each account is usually small and b) the lending of this amount – money gathered; the amounts given as loans are usually high (Neave, 1998, p.260). Towards the same direction, Brigham (2008) notes that ‘denomination intermediation’ is a term reflecting ‘the process by which financial intermediaries transform funds provided by savers into funds used by borrowers’ (Brigham, 2008, p.101). Liquidity risk is related with insolvency at the following point: in cases of high liquidity, the risk of insolvency is decreased; on the other hand, in low liquidity, the risk of insolvency is increased; it is in this context that the above two risks have been characterized as ‘linearly coupled processes’ (Matz et al., 2007, p.174). At the next level, liquidity can have a series of different aspects – including ‘the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Why is the auto accident rate higher for teenagers than for all Essay

Why is the auto accident rate higher for teenagers than for all drivers - Essay Example Slow decision-making and slower reflexes on the other hand affect old people and account for most accidents involving the elderly. In the United States of America, the number of fatalities because of adolescent accidents in the year 2008 was 6,428 people (Teenage Driver Crash Statistics). Most these people were in other vehicles or passengers of the accident causing adolescents. The states of Florida and California recorded the highest numbers of accidents involving adolescents in the year 2008 at 516 and 593 respectively. Of these people, 2793 people were the young drivers, the rest either their passengers or outside parties involved in the accident (Teenage Driver Crash Statistics). Clearly, there is need for action to bring these numbers down. However, to improve the statistics, it is important to understand young drivers and the factors that lead to their involvement in road accidents. Owing to their inexperience in the roads, young people have low abilities to detect hazards, such as slippery roads (Teenage Driver Crash Statistics). This makes them vulnerable and in some cases results in accidents. For example, the case of slippery roads, due to rain or any other factor reduces friction between the tires and the roads and between the brakes and the wheels. This results in brake failure that in turn leads to accidents and loss of life. Loss of friction between the road and the tires also results to loss of control of the car, change of direction at relatively normal speeds may result in skidding and consequently an accident. Failure of perception of this risk by adolescents therefore results in road accidents. Adolescent egocentrism also leads to poor hazard detection. Adolescents have naà ¯ve idealism, which leads to perception of things, as they would be in an ideal world. For example, an adolescent is likely to ignore the driving of

Patient Interview Essay Example for Free

Patient Interview Essay Enable to conduct a study that could represent the population of hypertensive people, the researchers decided to divide themselves into two. This is for the purpose of having participants from two different locations. The first group was designated to obtain three patients from the clinic whereas the second group was assigned to attain at least 2 more patients from the university. The former was able to able to approach ten people hence only a ratio of 1:3 agreed to participate. The latter, on the other hand, manage to found two participants out of the eight people they have approached. Both groups of researchers followed the same approach in inviting their potential participants. Most of the participants were either patients in the clinic or employees of the university. The researchers explain the purpose and format of the interview, the terms of confidentiality, and how long will the intended interviews lasts. After the patient interviewee agreed to participate, they had lead to a less noisy environment within the vicinity of both the clinic and the university. The Patients Patient number 1 is a 63-years old man. His ethnicity falls under the African-American category. He has completed his graduate school and was now a successful businessman. He has been diagnosed to have Diabetes Mellitus two years ago and a known hypertensive at the early age of 36. He is insured under the Health Maintenance Organization or what commonly known as HMO. Patient number 2 is a 47-years old female. She originates from Canada. She’s a high school graduate and was now working as a cashier. She claims she doesn’t have any disease at all. This patient has no insurance of any kind. Patient Number 3 is a 58-years old Chinese Professor. He has recently been diagnosed to have renal problem, which could eventually lead to end-stage renal disease if not properly addressed. He has also mentioned that he has some fluctuating blood pressure readings over the past three years. As for his insurance, he was under Medicare. Patient Number 4 is a 37 years old factory worker from Sweden. He claimed he was a known hypertensive since the age of 30 because of his fondness to eat fatty foods. He doesn’t have any insurance at all. Patient Number 5 is a 70-year old retired engineer, who originates from Australia. Although old, he claimed that he was still in the pink of health except for his arthritis. This patient is insured under HMO, that he says he’s not worried if ever he would have illness in the future. These five patients came from different walks of life. But their knowledge and belief about their condition varies slightly. The study showed that the most prevalent issues among the participants were how they conceive the seriousness of having elevated blood pressure. Most of the participants were unaware of its complications. How can these patients be cured if they haven’t felt the danger it can bring to their lives? The first step to healing any disease state no matter how tough it is; is the knowledge of disease, identifying cause, risk factors of worsening the disease and barriers preventing the cure of the disease (Alexander, 2003). When these patients got to know their real health state, awareness follows. By doing so they can be able to grasp the notion of their actual condition Another issue that surfaced among the participants is the misconceptions they have about the origin and cause of hypertension. Many patients often perceive their illness as a burden they will carry out all their lives and that no matter what they do, they won’t achieve a normal state. This perception affects patients negatively because it impacts on their compliance; these perceptions and feelings make patients lose hope of curing (Ross, 2004). This is not true however, patients with hypertension might have the disease all throughout their lives but it can be kept under controlled. In addition, poor control was due to other lifestyles that patients were practicing (Egan, 2003). So with the right lifestyle, management and compliance, hypertension can stay at bay side for the rest of their lives. For any medical intervention to be effective, trust and communication between the healthcare provider and patients is a vital aspect. The interventions discussed would be very much beneficial to combat the increasing incidence of hypertension among the productive and elderly population. By distributing pamphlets that contained details regarding how to take medicines and obtain blood pressure through the use of blood pressure apparatus, we are escalating their awareness for self-care and evaluation as well. Moreover, thru this dissemination of information we can constitute reinforcement on patient’s education on how to be conscious of their health state. But one aspect should be included in that method. People should be taught regarding the normal blood pressure range and how an increase or decrease of this range can affect their whole being. The most significant contribution of this method is that, not only will it be beneficial to people with hypertension but it can also helps to identify those people who is unaware that they might already be suffering from elevated blood pressure. It is important to note here that educating patients about general knowledge and awareness is not enough to effectively treat or control hypertension. Patients should be thought to recognize and adhere to the importance of following their blood pressure readings daily to well control their state and prevent any worsening that could take place. Focusing on educating patients will for sure prevent the progression to strokes and heart diseases (Oliveria, 2004). As for the implementation of mandatory course, it will also be imperative to have this method of intervention because it can obliterate misconceptions. Many people think that having hypertension is not a serious state. By obligating them to attend courses they can be made aware that hypertension can lead to a more life threatening conditions like strokes and heart attacks. It is true indeed that when patient understands their condition, compliance is better as compared to those who do not have any idea of their real health status. But there is a drawback here; the course should be as simplified as possible. Because illiteracy is increasing worldwide, subsequently many patients won’t be able to understand complicated and technical words. Low literate patients will not be able to fully manage or comprehend medical devices to track of disease progression and prevent worsening of status (Williams, 1998). Keeping a diary of everyday’s intake and activity can lead to a more personal and specialized management. Thus it can lead in identifying what activity or food can be minimized to obtain the necessary result. In general, education brings awareness and can then lead to better compliance.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Are Muslim Communities Affected By Counter Terrorism Legislation Criminology Essay

Are Muslim Communities Affected By Counter Terrorism Legislation Criminology Essay This paper looks to critically evaluate whether Muslim communities have been affected by counter-terrorism legislation in the UK as part of a literature review in serving to prepare for a much larger piece of work. This work consists of considering whether these community members have been effectively radicalised leading to extremism either within the local community or in the UK at large. It is also necessary to evaluate the way in which views in this regard that have been put forward by academics have developed as a result of the laws that have been implemented to date in the UK. Muslim; Counter-Terrorism; Legislation Critically evaluate whether Muslin Communities have been affected by counter-terrorism legislation In seeking to critically evaluate whether Muslim communities have been affected by counter-terrorism legislation in the United Kingdom (UK), it is necessary for this literature review to consider whether these community members have been effectively radicalised leading to extremism either within the local community or in the society at large. Moreover, there is also a need to examine as to how security agencies approaches are implemented and applied and consider new methods that will serve to impact upon professional practice in relation to the legislation that has been enacted both in the UK and at the international level. In addition, it will also be recognised as to how this has led to claims from within Muslim communities that the tactics currently used by the police are heavy handed and, as a result, counter-productive. Finally, this literature review will conclude with a summary of the key points derived from this discussion in relation to as to whether and how Muslim communiti es have been affected by counter-terrorism legislation enacted both in the UK and internationally. With a view to assessing whether Muslim Communities have been affected by the introduction of counter-terrorism legislation, in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of 7/7 in the UK and 9/11 in the US New Terror discourse, the prevention of violent extremism has become one of the most significant issues for policy makers throughout the western world and, for the purposes of this discussion, the UK. In what is clearly a significantly heightened security context, Muslim communities have become an enhanced focal point for the UK with a multi-layered, multi-agency approach (Home Office, 2008). Currently there are at least 2 million Muslims resident in the UK making the Islamic faith the largest outside of Christians with almost half actually having been born in the UK (Bunglawala, Halstead, Malik Spalek, 2004), but the community is becoming more diverse with over 50 nationalities represented and 70 languages spoken (Khan, 2004). However, Muslim communities constitute some of the most deprived in the UK with almost a third of those able to work having no qualifications so that, as a result, many children experience high levels of risk associated with child poverty (Bunglawala, Halstead, Malik Spalek, 2004) because adults are three times more likely to be unemployed than Christians (Yunas Samad Sen, 2007). Nevertheless, such policy developments are illustrative of the apparent need to develop and support strategies based upon the maxim of counter-terrorism that communities defeat terrorism (Briggs, Fieschi Lownsbrough, 2006). But although counter-terrorism policies have been dominated by hard-sided strategies involving surveillance, the gathering of intelligence, the use of informants and the implementation of anti-terror laws under the Pursue strand of the governments CONTEST (and CONTEST Two) counter-terrorism strategy (Her Majestys Government, 2006), the ascendancy of a community centred notion of counter-terrorism has seen greater prominence given to an agenda based upon being able to Prevent terrorism (Home Office, 2008). In view of this shift towards interaction and engagement with citizens, policy makers within the UK government have placed the police and other enforcement authorities at the forefront of this work regarding the need to look to follow a strategy based on the nee d to Pursue terrorists along with the need to Prevent terrorism whereby the police are working with Muslim communities in order to help prevent violent extremism (Lowe Innes, 2008). The implementation of New Terror discourses in the UK are founded upon the recognition and construction of Muslim minorities as being comprised of communities at risk from violent extremism. In particular young Muslim men constitute a problem group and are recognised as being the predominant targets of anti-terrorist legislation and counter-terrorism surveillance policing in countries including the UK (Poynting Mason, 2006). With this in mind, the following issues were raised by participants in an effort to more effectively explain the negative impact of discourse and practice (a) Hard policing including increased stop and search, high profile raids, and the perception of an increase in aggressive attempts at recruiting informers to then lead to a greater sense of grievance amongst Muslims so they are perceived as suspect communities; (b) suspicion is detrimental to both an individual and their familys life since they may suffer job losses, family and community breakdowns, as well as mental health issues; (c) individuals have argue their experience of anti-terror laws has reduced their motivation to look to engage with state authorities with a view to improving relations; and (d) individuals feel pressurised to explain their Muslim identities in relation to the concept of Britishness (University of Birmingham/Arts Humanities Research Council, 2008). Under sections 62 and 63 of the Terrorism Act 2000 (along with section 17 of the Terrorism Act 2006) the UK appears to have asserted universal jurisdiction over a whole array of terrorist offences meaning anyone who commits any of these offences anywhere in the world so as to impact in some way upon the UK will fall within UK authorities jurisdiction (Sibbel, 2006-2007). In addition, under the Anti Terrorism, Crime Security Act 2001, a religiously aggravated element to crime has been introduced, which involves imposing higher penalties upon offenders who are motivated by religious hatred. On this basis, Islamophobia has become a significant issue for individuals and even whole communities living in the UK with instances including (a) being verbally and physically abused; (b) being threatened; (c) being physically assaulted; and (d) having homes or cars firebombed or attacked with acid. The problem is the reporting of actions that may be considered tantamount to Islamophobia is rare since it is considered the norm rather than the exception for both individuals and whole communities because they do not want to create a fuss around their experiences (University of Birmingham/Arts Humanities Research Council, 2008). A survey by several Muslim groups found that since 9/11, 80% of Muslim respondents reported being subjected to some form of Islamophobia, whilst 68% felt they had been perceived and treated differently and 32% reported being subjected to discrimination (Forum Against Islam phobia Racism, Al-Khoei Foundation the Muslim College, 2004). Some have also argued young Muslim men suffer disproportionately as the new folk devils of popular and media imagination (Alexander, 2000). More generally, however, it is also to be appreciated that a whole succession of opinion polls have shown many Muslims are uncomfortable with life in the UK (Pew Global Attitudes Project, 2006). In addition, there is an ongoing and concerted campaign against Islamism by a coalition of both left and right that have criticised the UK government for what they call a policy of appeasement. Martin Bright of the New Statesman claimed these organisations were engaged in a sophisticated strategy of implanting Islamist ideo logy among young Muslims in Western Europe (Bright, 2007). But, although the reality is that Islamism is not inherently violent, these nuances are rarely acknowledged and casual links are made between these groups and more specific concerns about violent extremism. Further concerns have then arisen from the fact there are some substantial concerns the definition of terrorism under the terms of the Terrorism Act 2000 (now Terrorism Act 2006) is too vague and excessively broad. The main reason for this is that the Terrorism Act 2000 served to criminalise not only those activities that are generally accepted to be terrorist in nature, but also lawful gatherings and demonstrations amongst other matters along with other forms of behaviour that, although unlawful, could not be considered terrorism (Submission to International Court of Justice Panel of Eminent Jurists on Terrorism, Counter-Terrorism Human Rights, 2006). Section 1(1) of the Act served to define terrorism as being based on the use or threat of action where (a) the action falls within subsection (2); (b) the use or threat is designed to influence the government, an international organisation or to intimidate the public; and (c) the use or threat is made to advancing a political, religi ous or ideological agenda. Under section 1(2) of the Terrorism Act 2000 it has then been recognised that action under this subsection involves (a) serious violence; (b) serious property damage; (c) the endangerment of anothers life; (d) creates a serious risk to the health or safety of the public; or (e) is designed seriously to interfere with or seriously disrupt an electronic system. The problem with the overly broad nature of the anti-terror laws put in place is they serve to trigger executive powers that are very restrictive regarding the recognition of both individuals and communities human rights under the European Convention on Human Rights 1950 (enacted domestically under the Human Rights Act 1998) often with reduced judicial oversight. Therefore, the use of such executive powers should be confined to those circumstances when such severe restrictions can truly be deemed necessary so there is a need for the laws to be narrowly drafted and proportionate to the legitimate aim pursued protecting national security rather than ostracising whole communities (Submission to International Court of Justice Panel of Eminent Jurists on Terrorism, Counter-Terrorism Human Rights, 2006). As has already been alluded to within the remit of international human rights law, any legal measures that serve to restrict the exercising of individual and community rights need to be both narrowly drafted and proportionate to what is being pursued. With this in mind, the United Nations Human Rights Committee now regularly criticises the remit of individual States efforts in this regard in view of the the broad scope of their anti-terror laws particularly those that have been enhanced since 2001 (Submission to International Court of Justice Panel of Eminent Jurists on Terrorism, Counter-Terrorism Human Rights, 2006). By way of illustration, in 2005 the United Nations Human Rights Committee criticised what was understood by terrorism under Canadian law that includes very similar elements to the UK definition under section 1 of the Terrorism Act 2000 for being unnecessarily broad. As a result, the United Nations Human Rights Committee recommended The State party should adopt a more precise definition of terrorist offences, so as to ensure that individuals will not be targeted on political, religious or ideological grounds, in connection with measures of prevention, investigation and detention (Concluding observations of the Human Rights Committee Canada, 2005, at paragraph 12). In addition, the United Nations Human Rights Committee has also made some significant similar criticisms of what is understood by the concept of terrorism under Norwegian (Concluding observations of the Human Rights Committee Norway, 2006, at paragraph 9), Icelandic (Concluding observations of the Human Rights Committee Iceland, 2005, at paragraph 10), and Bahraini law (Conclusions recommendations of the Committee against Torture Bahrain, 2005, at paragraph 6(i)) amongst others so there is clearly a need for a more precise definition in the UK to avoid similar problems. To conclude, it is clear that there has been a significant impact upon Muslim communities as a result of the implementation of counter-terrorism legislation in the UK. Such a view is largely founded upon the way in which Muslims are perceived within our society leading to instances of Islamophobia so that suspicion falls on a broad range of groups and individuals whose behaviour may on the surface appear dangerous or subversive. Clearly, there can be little doubt that it is incumbent upon government policy makers to look to act to maintain national security and prevent instances of terrorism. However, there is also a significant need to prevent the alienation of the Muslim community so that it is clearly important to engage in greater depth with these groups, understand the complexities of community politics, and come to a more nuanced understanding of political mobilisation now flourishing across large parts of Muslim communities in the UK. Therefore, it is arguable increased awaren ess of the rights of individual citizens and communities will, with some notable exceptions, offer the solution to radicalisation by providing vehicles for solving the deeply entrenched problems associated with deprivation suffered by many Muslims and challenge extremist rhetoric and build community resilience along with political integration.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

A Portrait of Franz Kafkas Life in his Fictional Story, Metamorphosis

A Portrait of Franz Kafka's Life in his Fictional Story, Metamorphosis Franz Kafka seems to have had a tough time growing up with his father, who was apparently a domineering, unapproachable man. A few years before Franz's untimely death, he wrote a long letter to his father in an attempt to address many of the lingering issues which had plagued their relationship. He may have tried through his fictional writing to reach his father prior to the letter, using a kind of "metaphor code." Franz Kafka became other characters representing himself in his fiction. In The Metamorphosis, his character, whose name is Gregor Samsa, becomes a giant beetle as the result of an unexplained transformation at the very beginning. The fact that the author is actually the main character is so cleverly disguised and the details so carefully presented that this encoded message becomes an entertaining literary work in its own right. While many of Kafka's short stories, e.g. The Judgment, A Country Doctor, appear to be vignettes, The Metamorphosis is more or less a surreal self -portrait of Franz's life and his troubled relationship with his family. The concepts of psychological abuse, entrapment and escape are ongoing themes in Kafka's work, and The Metamorphosis contains several examples that specifically relate to his father. The main character takes the role as caretaker of the family, is transformed into a bug and left to eventually die in his room. In The Metamorphosis, the main character awakens from "troubled dreams" into an even more troubled reality. At the beginning, the rain beating against the window of his room gives him a depressed, melancholy feeling. This sets the tone for the entire story. According to Franz Kafka, his father c... ...or no affect on his father and their relationship, as he still felt compelled to write a long personal letter plainly stating his feelings. Although Franz intended for the letter to reach his father, it was never sent to him instead it was returned to Franz by his mother. Ironically, even in his straightforward attempt, Franz had failed, though, in a sense his father did read the letter by reading most of his son's work. The fact that he died only a few years later, long before his father did, seems to have been eerily foreshadowed in The Metamorphosis. Franz Kafka seems to have thought that some of the most liberating occurrences are those that are beyond one's control. Works Cited Kafka, Franz. Letter to His Father (1919) Kafka, Franz. "The Metamorphosis." Franz Kafka: The Complete Stories. Ed. Nahum N. Glatzer. N.Y.: Schocken Books Inc., 1971: 89-139.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Defensive Driving

Defensive Driving Defensive driving is a method of driving I utilise which helps me to anticipate the actions of others in order to maintain safety for myself and vehicle plus my passengers in any road and weather conditions. I pay extra attention to my speed, judging gaps and distances, pulling off and braking, reversing and manoeuvring and tiredness/fatigue. By constantly looking and anticipating as far ahead as I can see, I can be prepared for potential hazards and associated risks before I get there. Observing what vehicles on either side or oncoming are doing and making constant use of my rear view mirrors further assists me in being a safe driver. Being aware of my vehicles’ characteristics, instruments and safety features are important factors. Knowing any blind spots on my vehicle and its dimensions are especially useful when reversing and manoeuvring. I am constantly aware of all that is happening around me, for example, when reversing I check for any potential hazards around and behind the vehicle before I move. Other vital factors are early and timely use of indicators, hazard warning lights, vehicle lights, hand signals and correct use of the horn in an emergency, as is regular maintenance and servicing. Smooth, careful acceleration and braking is important for safety and also good for the environment too. Examples of this are reduced fuel consumption, creating less pollution and prolonging the efficient working life of my vehicle. Stress and fatigue levels are also greatly reduced and, as adopting this driving policy inevitably reduces the chances of having an accident, my insurance premiums are keenly priced. Utilising all these methods and instruments correctly ensures a much higher degree of safety for me, my vehicle, my passengers, other road users, pedestrians and animals. In my opinion, I am a safe driver M. G. Spivey 17th May 2010

Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Postal Age Book Review

The introduction used by Henkin was unique to the book. He utilized the story of Anthony Burns. A fugitive slave that was captured, Mr. Burns miraculously managed to write several letters from his jail cell in the state of Virginia, 1854. Mr. Burns managed to utilize the facilities postal system to communicate with his lawyer in Boston. Henkin used this story as a powerful introduction to the main portion of the book. The tome, The Postal age is broken down by Henkin into two distinct sections. Joining Network† which primarily focuses on the systematic nut and bolt spread of the postal system, how and what did people mailed and mail in a developing urban environment. The second section is â€Å"Postal Intimacy† which takes a look at the cultural aspect of letter writing styles and the cliches associated to its respective culture. Chapter Two, â€Å"Malleable matters† went on to discuss what people really mailed and how it was molded and evolved during his era of s tudy.Henkin spoke about the History of Transient newspapers were periodicals that were passed along by the post by someone other than the main publisher. People of that time used newspapers to relay information to recipients in very faraway places. This practice was fairly inexpensive as opposed to sending a regular letter. The postal bureaucracy didn’t agree with this practice and proceeded to shut it down. Sometime by the year 1845 Congress had actually passed an act the reduced the price of letters. This price reduction made it more attractive to send Letters as opposed to using Transient Newspapers.Henkin really didn’t cover much of the political legislation regarding such reforms. Covering such topics might have been helpful in completely understand the nuts and bolts of Joining a Network. Furthermore, Henkin addresses the rising transitory movements that were taking place during that time of the century. He addressed in particular how the migrant men of the Gold Rush and those of the Civil War wrote letters. During those times the men of the Gold rush were constantly surrounded be the debauchery of army camps and gold mining towns.Familial correspondence from mothers, sisters and wives became things that morally anchored these wandering men. This form of correspondence became a symbol of domesticity and moral influence. Men who had spend the previous night heavily drinking, carousing with prostitutes could open a letter from his loved ones and be swept up in a fit of repentance. The postal system wasn’t simply a form of communication but rather at times a moral anchor for those of which were a long ways from home. Mr. Henken went on to discuss the other types of the postal system

Bad Girl Movie as a Spin Off of the Batman Franchise

In bringing out the idea of morality, choice and idealism, script writers of Catwoman and Batman franchise movies delve deep into the character and weigh options on how these ideals can be pragmatically realized to blend well in the film, while highlighting the suspension of disbelief on the audiences on comic book film. The script writers strive to narrate stories in fictitious ways which can at the same time be comprehended as commentary on today’s right and wrong on a morally challenged world.The idea of a bad girl movie as a spin off of the batman franchise is a good one in the sense that it attempts to push for women empowerment unwillingly to be accepted in the patriarchal society today. It was also a bold move to break the monopoly experienced in screens of bad guys depicting male chauvinism in society and opens doors in the sequence of the sexually enticing adversary (Burton 1992). Bad girl character illuminates the female character who uses her charm to disarm, and th rough wit strike the opponents as they are not the type of criminal they are used to chasing.In this case the female audience can relate to or see their other side of the coin while the male audience lust for her entices. The comic movies of the Catwoman, the female character enables the female audience associate with rather than in the classical movies where there is the masculinity theme-woman awaiting the hero to rescue her. Catwoman movies are important in the women empowerment, raising the societal consciousness. In this case the ladies do not have to suppress their potential consciousness in the favour of male characters.As villain in the film the bad girl brings out the element of reality with the wickedness which to viewers may be sweet or awesome and associating with takes the fiction to the level of plausibility (Novi 2004). This is imperative in the contemporary society in the easing the degenerative culture in respect to women and bringing out the role in equality as the bad girl is still capable of such feats as her counterpart in highlighting the evil in society.Through this the bad girl character sums up the problems in the society and fighting these problems is the responsibility of all men and women, and therefore it makes sense to involve all in employing the different tactics in combating the evil. In the film Catwoman produced by Novi (2004) the idea of bad girl is very essential in capturing out the conflict in the plot development in the whole film. Patience in her bid to find out who is responsible for her present form is taunted by the bad girl Laurel Hedare leading to the development of the entire conflict.Her supernatural character makes her more lethal than George. There is that feminine-jealousy-conflict expressed between the criminal Laurel Hedare and Patience and in the struggle to fight for morality has made the two symbols of feminine power where the audience can associate themselves with. Idealism is portrayed in the manner of the human traits expressed, which the audience fall in favour including the determination and wisdom in every move. In the creation of the Bad girl movie along the Batman character traits, there is that imagery of the master criminal lethal and agile in the antagonism force.In reality, the odds are that rough and the bad girl has such a force that has to be overcome with wit and cunning. Indeed it the idea of change is highly eminent is the bad girl character in the Batman franchise as empowerment has brought independence in the women of modern society. The women characters in this case do not have to be rescued by the men but can overcome their challenges and even help others. The audience is now treated to better villains as the protagonist faces deadly and seductive Catwoman (Burton 1992).The audience loath and same time empathize with the protagonist who has to endure all the pain and torture but rejoice on his eventual triumphs over the evil woman-driven by jealousy, hatred and determined to harm all on her way in suffering and torture. In the video Batman Returns directed by Burton (1992) vividly depicts Gotham City as troubled waters with its population threatened with eminent extinction but the audience fears not because the antagonists and protagonists forces are at work and calm must eventually prevail only that suspense play tricks on them.The bad girl movie in follow-up of the batman franchise has been a success in that it has improved its rating as a hybrid of the two ideas. The fight movements’ characteristic of Capoeira martial style of Brazil is more convincing and entertaining than the usual speed in vehicles in action movies, which is mostly used to create excitement. The nocturnal playground in the visual effects creates the grotesque images that build up tension and anticipation among the audience.Occasional lights and music eases the tension releasing the cathartic effects and keeps the audience anticipating for more actions. By bon ding in the qualities and ideas the Catwoman has brought fortunes in the comic industry and set standards for future female actresses. Through the actions of the Catwoman, the Batman is actively in motion countering all her foils, on which we realize his desires and the need to be healed of them. In the comic films, the Catwoman harbors soft spots for the hero’s heart and operate outside the law within her morality code (Burton 1992).The Catwoman prowess is evident in her ferocious femininity that flaunts her intellect as well as constantly teasing the Batman in all his attempts. The in vogue of bad girl movie is credited for rejuvenating the declining sales of comic industry and pioneered in the era of realistic and subtle characters. The antithesis created by the Catwoman’s fear of Batman’s wrath represents the embittered feminist in Gotham streets who has to use all means to survive, symbolically pointing to the harsh realities of women of 1980s had to endure and hence the fight for change (Novi 2004).The adoption of bad girl characters has also been attributed to the development of the Batman movie and the sequential realization of the three successful sequels. The idea of a woman acquiring power in her life and showing the independence was more enterprising on the producers and equally appealing to the audiences hence the positive reception. Selina points her feminist stand when she says, â€Å"Life’s a bitch, now so am I†. She is portrayed as a woman not bound by gender boundaries and a symbol of the end of domestication by societal constructions of the place of the woman.In analyzing the her criminal motives, there is the shift of identities in that Catwoman is sometimes nice and other times portrayed evil in the characteristics of the domestic cat. This is the context representation of the villain capable of anything and defying the gender stereotypes of the contemporary society. The Catwoman is portrayed as a complic ated woman, surrounded by conflicting desires and emotions and flexible to change to suit her mind peace. Although her character is outside the law she doesn’t accept patriarchal punishment, but her delicate will checks her morality.The Catwoman here is created by the script writer as treacherous female who laughs at the social rules which are only possible in the world of comics (Burton 1992). In summary, the bad girl movies have played a paramount role in the development and eventual success in the Batman franchise as have boosted the comic industry to a higher notch. From the feminist perspective, they have been a force to recon with in the role they have played in the empowerment of the women in the contemporary society.The Catwoman has been depicted as influential force in breaking down the social constructions of the patriarchal society that continued to denigrate the place of woman. The mentality portrayed here is not one to be morally accepted in the realistic world b ut only for the feminists to take the cue and drum for change in society. The Batman being the guardian of the society is faced with another daunting task to keep the rebels at bay although he is susceptible to the change itself and hence falls in the traps of emotions.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Springs Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Springs - Lab Report Example this experiment was to determine the key elements of Hooke’s law, which include, among others, the simple harmonic motions, the requirements of these harmonic motions, understanding Hooke’s law in a nutshell, attempting to verify Hooke’s law using a simple spring, to ascertain the relationship between the frequency and the period of a spring, to come up with the spring constant, and to determine the relationship between the mass, period, and force of a spring undergoing harmonic motion among others. The bottom line objective in this case is to be able to make comparisons of the measured periods of the vibration and the ideal ones as stated or calculated in the theory. Measuring the static behavior of a simple spring in this experiment was aimed at providing a basis of establishing the existing relationship between stretch and force. The spring constant, which is the force that a spring exerts on the object, in the opposite direction, when an object applies a force on the spring is what this experiment aimed at achieving. According to Hooke, the spring constant can be calculated from the expression F=- KX, where F is the force applied on the spring and X the distance this spring would move as a result of the force. In this experiment, a simple experiment involving a mass, a spring, and a meter rule were used to test this phenomenon (Knight, Brian and Stuart 13). The tables below show the results of the different measurements obtained as a result of adding different masses on a spring, while recording the various stretches that are realized. Concisely, the objective was to determine the influence of the mass on the stretch of the spring and the nature of relationship that exists between these tow variables. The above results give an impression of a near linear relationship between the mass and the stretch, but the trend changes significantly after a certain mass has been exceeded. From the theoretical point of view, the point where the relationship between

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Why do you want ot participate in the summer program in italy Essay

Why do you want ot participate in the summer program in italy - Essay Example The language just has a soothing effect on the psyche of most people. It is romantic and loving. It is hopeful and caring in sound. The whole country is an intricate study of the history of mankind and the evolution of one of the most influential societies during its golden era. Its churches, museums, amphitheaters, and the Colosseum are all standing monuments to a glorious past that, thanks to accurate historical accounts, has managed to live on well into the 21st century. Having said that, a visit to Italy for the summer shall be the experience of a lifetime for me. A summer trip with my friends and classmates would allow me the opportunity to see all if not most of the places that I have only heard about in World History class or seen on traveling and living channels on cable TV. This summer trip will be the highlight of my year. They say that in order to understand the history of a people, the ways of a society, and the importance of their language, one must immerse himself totally in the country and culture that he wishes to learn about. By giving me an opportunity to join this trip to Italy, I will be able to do exactly that. This shall be different summer for me should I be allowed to join this trip. I will be spending my time doing educational, yet recreational activities in a country full of amazing sights, sounds, and opportunities to behold. Those whom I know have already gone off to Italy for a summer have always come back to tell me wonderful tales from their trip. From becoming more proficient in the Italian language in both a written and spoken manner, to eating at the street carts along the road, visiting the house of Juliet, and riding through the vineyards that allow tourists to visit, they have all sang the praises of a summer trip to Italy as being money well spent. It is my hope that I too will be able to achieve that

Monday, October 7, 2019

Midterm Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Midterm - Assignment Example H1: There is no difference in the mean rating of participants by the different judges in the different levels. 4th step: Alpha (level of significance) = .05 5th step: dftotal = 15 – 8 = 7 dfBT = 8 – 8 = 0 dfWT = 15 – 8= 7 6th step: Critical F value = 314.659 Multivariate Testsa Effect Value F Hypothesis df Error df Sig. Partial Eta Squared Noncent. Parameter Observed Powerc Country Pillai's Trace .883 314.659b 7.000 293.000 .000 .883 2202.613 1.000 Wilks' Lambda .117 314.659b 7.000 293.000 .000 .883 2202.613 1.000 Hotelling's Trace 7.517 314.659b 7.000 293.000 .000 .883 2202.613 1.000 Roy's Largest Root 7.517 314.659b 7.000 293.000 .000 .883 2202.613 1.000 7th step: Tests of Within-Subjects Effects Measure: MEASURE_1 Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Partial Eta Squared Noncent. ... Results it can be concluded that there existed a statistically significant difference between the ratings given by the judges whereby, F (8, 393) = 314.659.74, P=.000 < .0005; Wilk's ? = 0.117, partial ?2 = .883 (see table below) Multivariate Testsa Effect Value F Hypothesis df Error df Sig. Partial Eta Squared Noncent. Parameter Observed Powerc Country Pillai's Trace .883 314.659b 7.000 293.000 .000 .883 2202.613 1.000 Wilks' Lambda .117 314.659b 7.000 293.000 .000 .883 2202.613 1.000 Hotelling's Trace 7.517 314.659b 7.000 293.000 .000 .883 2202.613 1.000 Roy's Largest Root 7.517 314.659b 7.000 293.000 .000 .883 2202.613 1.000 Method Participants the data is a product of the International Pancake-Flipping contest, where eight judges rated the flipping styles of 300 competitors. The number of participants is therefore 300 based on the flipping pancake contest and the respective judges ratings. The judges are randomly referred to as judge 1 to judge 8. The results are for different le vels across different countries across the 300 participants who form the study sample. A power analysis revealed that, for a one-way MANOVA with SMALL effect size (?2 = .883) and an alpha of .05, 300 participants yielded a power of 1.0. Design M ANOVA was used to determine whether there was a difference between the participants rating by the judges across the various levels of participation. The independent variables was the level of participation across the different countries while the dependent variable were the judges ranging from judge one to judge 8 in terms of rating, rated as either high or low. Materials The event organizers were submitted with consent

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Mktg 3000 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Mktg 3000 - Essay Example This characteristic is extremely attractive because advertisers can target customers when they are driving near their store location. A lot of consumers in America are impulsive buyers and receiving ads into their cellular has personalized psychological effects that can push a sale. This technique of mobile advertisement is referred to as location based advertisement. It is currently commonly used in Japan and Europe. Mobile advertising has had a greater impact in Asia than in the United States. There are companies that are capitalizing on this new niche marketing method to attract new mobile customers. NearbyNow and GPShopper are both offering text messages services that allow the mobile user to search the shoppers of stores for prices and inventory (Plunkett Research). The speed of G3 and G4 networks has increased the capacity of cellular phones to connect to be able to surf the internet at very fast speeds. Smart phones also have the ability to generate tremendous graphics. New sm artphones with windows technology are so advanced that the phone can play Xbox games. The graphics capabilities of the phones can be used by marketers to generate very attractive advertisers. One of the advantages of mobile advertising is that marketing campaigns can be created based on the profile of the mobile users.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Principle of Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Principle of Accounting - Essay Example The responsibility of developing marketing strategies for GM with the objective of increasing the product sales lies with the sales and marketing division of the company. This department of the company has been performing well recently. However it has failed to implement required modern marketing strategies to be able to successfully tap many of the unoccupied markets worldwide. The services related to testing of products of the company are carried on by its quality assurance department. This department has not been successful in developing good relationship with rest of the departments of the company in relation to the reduction of mishaps caused due to inferior vehicle quality. However, it has always been promised to the customer regarding high quality of the products. This problem can be reduced through proper coordination of the quality department with the other departments of GM. The accounts department of the company is held accountable for all the finance related activities carried on by the firm. Recently, few financial problems have crept up in the company which has contributed towards it being bankrupt. The major weakness was the top post of the department being two in number. However this issue has been resolved considerably through reshuffling of those positions in the company (Canis, & Yacobucci, 2010, p.27). Similarly, the company can take the help of other financial consultancy firms so as to boost the accountability of the department. GM was reported to have some issues related to its bankruptcy recently in the year 2009 and it came up in news as well (Economist, 2009). It is mainly attributed towards the alteration of the financial results of the company which paved the way for the department of accounting of GM to represent false picture of its financial position. This misrepresentation of the financial figures in the financial statements of the firm along with other errors in accounting that were present in the company records

Friday, October 4, 2019

African Americans in the Civil War Essay Example for Free

African Americans in the Civil War Essay The role African Americans played in the outcome, and the road to the outcome of the Civil War was immense. The fact that the south had slaves and the north did not played an enormous role in the issues. The north wanted to abolish slavery, and the south did not and after the war started this became one of the main reasons for the Civil War. Since most African Americans could not read or write, this made them an easy target, for slavery, against the dominant white man. Once the slaves got to America they started to realize how much trouble they were actually in. The north and the south had a problem brewing, and that was due to the slave uprisings and the run a ways. African Americans played an enormous role in the outcome of the Civil War because of the part they took in it. The civil war, which took place from 1861 to the 1920s, the African American community made tremendous strides toward them becoming apart of America and equals in America. Since they had been controlled by the power of the whites for so long, their independence was extremely unfamiliar to them, with their new emancipation. Since they were so uncertain, they debated about the most effect way to go about actually receiving the rights they deserved. They did not just want to be inferior Negros. Some African Americans thought the actual approach would be to go along with the submissive status the whites held them to, so they could earn their respect until fairness pervaded. Others were more wishful with their thinking and thought the military would make whites surrender and give blacks their basic rights. Those who were still they are thought that no progress would ever come. These blacks decided that it was essential to escape the shackles and cruel attitudes toward blacks. The civil war initially began to save the Union. At the start of the war slave masters were terribly scared that the slaves would run to join the Union and help the war efforts. To subsidize the problem, most owner enforced harsh restrictions on their slaves. Some owners even moved their whole plantations inland to avoid any contact with the outside northerners. This did not stop the slaves one bit though, this just caused more slave to flee to the north. The slaves that did decide to stay just demanded more freedom from their masters. Some would say the ones that stayed even gained more power; this forced their masters to give them offerings in exchange for work. The issues of emancipation and military service were intertwined from almost the beginning of the war. News from Fort Sumter made African Americans rush to enlist in military units. They were all turned away since there was a law dating from 1792 that kept African Americans from joining the U. S. army. In Boston disappointed African Americans met and passed a resolution that requested the Government to modify its laws to permit them to enlist. Then Lincoln’s Second Confiscation Act was passed. The act stated that, Confederates who did not surrender with in sixty days of the acts passage were to be punished by having their slaves freed. The Militia Act was also passed. This act stated African Americans were allowed to fight in the war. These two acts together thoroughly punished rebel slaveholders. The African Americans that enlisted both fought in the front lines and worked behind the scenes labor jobs. All these rights that the African Americans were receiving inspired them to return home and free their families and friends. Some of them even started living in the plantations that they used to be slaves of. They took them over and began their own cropping. Some of the other plantations had been left to older disabled white woman, when the men had left for the Confederate army. All of this led to the separation of slave labor in the south After trying terribly hard to keep the issue of slavery out of the war, the North decided to start enlisting African Americans to help them fight in the war. The Fifty-Fourth regiment was created by the Union Army, and was the only all black unit. This Union in particular contributed to the war efforts of the North and showed a new found power among blacks. The regiment started when John Andrew sent a request to the secretary of war, Edwin Stanton, to create a volunteer regiment of African Americans (3). African Americans from all over the country joined. To help recruit even further they called for help from African American leaders like, Frederick Douglas and William Wells Brown. In just two months over one thousand African Americans, one from at least every state, had enlisted in the regiment. The leader of the regiment would not be black though, they wanted the superior officer to have some certain credentials. The job description posted read: â€Å"Young Man of Military Experience Of firm antislavery principles, ambitious, Superior to the vulgar contempt of color Having Faith in the capacity of colored men for military purpose† (2) The man picked for the job was Robert Shaw. The African American regiment and their captain set off for Beaufort, South Carolina on May 28, 1863 (1). They were to attack Fort Wagner, which was a vital key to Charleston. They only way to storm the fort was to go through loads and loads of Confederates. The sheer size of the Confederates to the Fifty- Fourth regiment was an obstacle in itself. The regiment knew the amount of obstacles they would have to overcome to achieve a victory and yet they kept marching. Shaw and a few men marched to the top of the parapet, and there Shaw was shot and killed. Though this was almost a complete disaster for the regiment they had set a path for future African American soldiers. Frederick Douglas said, Once let the black man get upon his person the brass letter, U. S. , let him get an eagle on his button, and a musket on his shoulder and bullets in his pocket, there is no power on earth that can deny that he has earned the right to citizenship. One thousand seventy-nine African Americans had served in the Civil War. They served in both the U. S. Army and about two thousand served in the Navy. By the time the war was over, forty thousand had died in battle and thirty thousand had died of disease and infection. African American soldiers performed all the jobs needed to run an army. They also served as carpenters, chaplains, cooks, guards, laborers, nurses, scouts, spies, steamboat pilots, surgeons, and teamsters (4). There were nearly 80 black commissioned officers (4). Harriet Tubman was the most famous spy; she served for the 2nd South Carolina Volunteers. Tubman decided to help the Union Army because she wanted freedom for all of the people who were forced into slavery, not just the few she could help by herself. And she convinced many other brave African Americans to join her as spies, even at the risk of being hanged if they were caught (4). Among Harriet Tubman were many other African American women who served as nurses, spies and scouts. Although, no women were allowed to formally join the army. When black troops were captured by the confederate soldiers, they faced harsher punishments than the white troops. In 1863 the Confederate Congress threatened to punish officers of African American troops and enslave the African Americans, if they were captured. As a result of this, President Lincoln issued General Order 233, which threatened payback on Confederate prisoners of war, if they mistreated African American troops. This order did scare the Confederates a little, but African American soldiers were still treated harsher than whites. In one of the worst examples of this abuse, Confederate soldiers shot to death black Union soldiers, captures at Fort Pillow, TN, in 1864(). Confederate General Nathan B. Forrest witnessed it all and did nothing to stop it. The President, Abraham Lincoln, issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863. This proclamation eventually led to the freedom of all slaves. The document officially made free all bondsmen in the areas of the Confederacy that were still in rebellion. Slavery although was not abolished in the Border States, Tennessee, or the Union occupied areas of Louisiana and Virginia. The proclamation only affected the states in rebellion, so after the efforts it didn’t actually free any slaves. On the other hand, it did strengthen the Northern war efforts, because they knew they were fighting for a cause. Over five hundred thousand slaves had escaped to the North by the end of the civil war. Many of the escapees joined the Union Army, which tremendously increased its power. As a result of the Emancipation Proclamation, the thirteenth Amendment was created. The Amendment created on December 18, 1865, legally freed all slaves still in bondage. The final step the Emancipation Proclamation was to depress England and France from arriving to the war on the side of the South. England and France wanted to enter the war on the South side, because the South had supplied them both with cotton and tobacco. England and Frances stance changed when they heard that the war had changed to a fight over slavery. Both nations were opposed to slavery, so ended up giving their support to the Union. That led to the winning of the fight for freedom. Juneteenth was the day created to celebrate the emancipation, when the slaves heard about it that midsummer. The holiday is still celebrated today. Abraham Lincoln said, A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure permanently half-slave and half-free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved. I do not expect the house to fall, but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing or all the other. (3) African Americans along with the rest of the Union were fighting for this freedom and equality that Abraham Lincoln, was talking about. African American contributions were not limited to the role of working the fields in the south or supplying labor for industry in the north. Many African Americans in both south and north participated in either direct or supporting roles in the military. The War Between the States proved to be a war fought for democracy. The liberation that the slaves had been waiting for, recovered the ideas that founded the United States of America. All men were equal under the law. Since, the African Americans made such a persistent effort the changes were made more quickly. Africans pushed for their own emancipation by resisting their masters and other labor tasks. Although a formal Emancipation Proclamation and Thirteenth Amendment freed blacks in America, it would be a long time before they received all the rights they deserved. The minds of Americans had been so engrained with racism only decades of hard work would lessen this. Works Cited 1) Freeman, Elsie, Wynell Burroughs Schamel, and Jean West. The Fight for Equal Rights: A Recruiting Poster for Black Soldiers in the Civil War. Social Education 56, 2 (February 1992): 118-120. 2) Blacks in the Civil War. †. Colorado College. Web. 3 Mar 2013. http://www2. coloradocollege. edu/Dept/HY/Hy243Ruiz/Research/civilwar. html.