Friday, October 18, 2019

Case study for subjest ( Strategic Leadership in Criminal Justice ) Essay

Case study for subjest ( Strategic Leadership in Criminal Justice ) - Essay Example e criminal justice setting are faced with several dilemmas when it comes to implementing disciplinary actions that would foster a positive change among subordinates. This paper seeks to analyze one of a typical leadership dilemma in the criminal justice setting. I am Gary Hart, a leader of a small team of correctional officers at the Undon Correctional Facility. It has come to my attention that one of my team members and subordinates has been engaging in poor work practices. By poor working practice, I mean the team member is reported to be involved in unexplained absenteeism, sleeping on night shift, not making mandatory security checks and so on. Presently, I have undertaken a performance review meeting to outline the work performance concerns with the officer and develop an action plan to improve performance. The performance review meeting involves the team member in question. I am quite nervous of the meeting and issues to be raised by the team member is going to be because based on previous performance review meetings that I have had with the team member, it is likely that the team member will be very defensive about his work performance and will seek to blame management for this behaviour. My real dilemma therefore has to do with choo sing one leadership theory and design ways of making this leadership theory in the wake of the current leadership dilemma. The criminal justice setting is an important agency of our national development (Abion, 2001). Exceptionally important is the role played by the various correctional facilities. The Centre for Mindfulness and Justice (2011) notes that â€Å"the role of correctional employees is to provide safety for community residents, inmates and employees residing in and working in correctional facilities.† This makes the correctional facility a transformation centre where people are expected to leave with a lot of change of behaviour and character. People are expected to leave the correctional facilities, becoming

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