Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Con Man, by Ken Mitchell :: essays papers

The Con Man, by Ken Mitchell The novel, The Con Man, by Ken Mitchell is a very humorous novel. In the novel, Ken uses humour to get a point across at many different times. In the Concise Oxford Dictionary humour is defined as: the condition of being amusing or comic. Well some parts of the novel are very amusing and comic. One funny part in the book is when the kids at the beginning ask Gilly if he is native or black. At that part Ken was getting across what Gilly was. That is just one example in the novel, there are others also. Humour can be used to get points across in the real world, and it is also used to get points across in the novel. One humorous part in the novel that gets a point across is in chapter two when they are all travelling. They have to stop and when they do some local town kids bug Gilly. They throw stuff at him and tie him to a tree. They ask him if he is a native, and he denies. They ask if he is a black, and he denies. They just make fun of him, until he gets rescued. Eventually we learn that Gilly is neither native, or black, or white, he is a halfbreed. This funny part in the novel gets the point across of what Gilly really is. Without this one part in the novel we would not know what Gilly is. We would probably just assume that he is white. Ken probably puts this in the novel because he had a troubled childhood and he just had to let off some steam. When he was a kid all the other kids probably bugged him. Maybe he was a halfbreed and the other kids bugged him about being native or black. Ken is just showing how mean kids can be, and he feels that kids should be nicer to each other. Then the world would be a much happier place. A second funny part in the story is when Gilly is getting tail and the cops come and knock on the door. Ken Mitchell does this because he is a pervert. You can tell that Ken is a big pervert because all throughout the story he has a bunch of sick parts like this. Ken probably did not have a wife or a girlfriend,.

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